Getting started

Installing from PyPI or Conda

Open3D Python packages are distributed via PyPI and Conda.

Supported Python versions:

  • 3.6

  • 3.7

  • 3.8

Supported operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 18.04+

  • macOS 10.14+

  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

If you have other Python versions (e.g. Python 2) or operating systems, please refer to Build from source and compile Open3D from source.

Pip (PyPI)

pip install open3d


We recommend using pip version >=20.3 for better platform compatibility checking in Linux.


In general, we recommend using a virtual environment for containerization. Otherwise, depending on the configurations, pip3 may be needed for Python 3, or the --user option may need to be used to avoid permission issues. For example:

pip3 install open3d
# or
pip install --user open3d
# or
python3 -m pip install --user open3d

Development version (pip)

To test the latest features in Open3D, download and install the development version (HEAD of master branch):


Python 3.6 Python 3.7 Python 3.8


Python 3.6 Python 3.7 Python 3.8


Python 3.6 Python 3.7 Python 3.8

Please use these links from the latest version of this page only. For example, to install the latest development version on Linux for Python 3.8:

pip install --user --pre


The development wheels for Linux are named according to PEP600. Please use pip version >=20.3 to install them. The wheels are not yet fully PEP600 compliant.


conda install -c open3d-admin -c conda-forge open3d


Open3D prebuilt binaries for Conda (Anaconda/Miniconda) can be found at open3d. Currently, the open3d package is distributed under the open3d-admin channel. To setup Conda, please see the official documentation.


If you want to install the Open3D Python packages in a docker conatiner you will need to install a minimum set of dependencies. For more details please see this issue.

A minimal Dockerfile looks like this:

# This could also be another ubuntu or debian based distributions
FROM ubuntu:20.04

# Install Open3D system dependencies and pip
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
    libgl1 \
    libgomp1 \
    libusb-1.0-0 \
    python3-pip \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install Open3D from the pypi repositories
RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade open3d


If you need CUDA support, follow these directions.

Try it

Now, try importing Open3D.

python -c "import open3d as o3d"

If this works, congratulations, now Open3D has been successfully installed!

Running Open3D tutorials

A complete set of Python tutorials and testing data will also be copied to demonstrate the usage of Open3D Python interface. See examples/python for all Python examples.


Open3D’s Python tutorial utilizes some external packages: numpy, matplotlib, opencv-python. OpenCV is only used for reconstruction system. Please read util/ for installing these packages.