(model, dataset=None, name='SemanticSegmentation', batch_size=4, val_batch_size=4, test_batch_size=3, max_epoch=100, learning_rate=0.01, lr_decays=0.95, save_ckpt_freq=20, adam_lr=0.01, scheduler_gamma=0.95, momentum=0.98, main_log_dir='./logs/', device='cuda', split='train', train_sum_dir='train_log', **kwargs)¶ This class allows you to perform semantic segmentation for both training and inference using the Torch. This pipeline has multiple stages: Pre- processing, loading dataset, testing, and inference or training.
- Example:
This example loads the Semantic Segmentation and performs a training using the SemanticKITTI dataset.
import torch import torch.nn as nn
from .base_pipeline import BasePipeline from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from ..dataloaders import get_sampler, TorchDataloader, DefaultBatcher, ConcatBatcher
Mydataset = TorchDataloader(dataset=dataset.get_split(‘training’)), MyModel = SemanticSegmentation(self,model,dataset=Mydataset, name=’SemanticSegmentation’, name=’MySemanticSegmentation’, batch_size=4, val_batch_size=4, test_batch_size=3, max_epoch=100, learning_rate=1e-2, lr_decays=0.95, save_ckpt_freq=20, adam_lr=1e-2, scheduler_gamma=0.95, momentum=0.98, main_log_dir=’./logs/’, device=’gpu’, split=’train’, train_sum_dir=’train_log’)
- Args:
dataset: The 3D ML dataset class. You can use the base dataset, sample datasets , or a custom dataset. model: The model to be used for building the pipeline. name: The name of the current training. batch_size: The batch size to be used for training. val_batch_size: The batch size to be used for validation. test_batch_size: The batch size to be used for testing. max_epoch: The maximum size of the epoch to be used for training. leanring_rate: The hyperparameter that controls the weights during training. Also, known as step size. lr_decays: The learning rate decay for the training. save_ckpt_freq: The frequency in which the checkpoint should be saved. adam_lr: The leanring rate to be applied for Adam optimization. scheduler_gamma: The decaying factor associated with the scheduler. momentum: The momentum that accelerates the training rate schedule. main_log_dir: The directory where logs are stored. device: The device to be used for training. split: The dataset split to be used. In this example, we have used “train”. train_sum_dir: The directory where the trainig summary is stored.
- Returns:
class: The corresponding class.
(model, dataset=None, name='SemanticSegmentation', batch_size=4, val_batch_size=4, test_batch_size=3, max_epoch=100, learning_rate=0.01, lr_decays=0.95, save_ckpt_freq=20, adam_lr=0.01, scheduler_gamma=0.95, momentum=0.98, main_log_dir='./logs/', device='cuda', split='train', train_sum_dir='train_log', **kwargs)¶ Initialize.
- Parameters
model – A network model.
dataset – A dataset, or None for inference model.
device – ‘cuda’ or ‘cpu’.
distributed – Whether to use multiple gpus.
kwargs –
- Returns
The corresponding class.
- Return type
(results, input_data, epoch, save_gt=True)¶ Create visualization for network inputs and outputs.
- Parameters
results – Model output (see below).
input_data – Model input (see below).
epoch (int) – step
save_gt (bool) – Save ground truth (for ‘train’ or ‘valid’ stages).
- RandLaNet:
results (Tensor(B, N, C)): Prediction scores for all classes inputs_batch: Batch of pointclouds and labels as a Dict with keys:
‘xyz’: First element is Tensor(B,N,3) points ‘labels’: (B, N) (optional) labels
- SparseConvUNet:
- results (Tensor(SN, C)): Prediction scores for all classes. SN is
total points in the batch.
- input_batch (Dict): Batch of pointclouds and labels. Keys should be:
‘point’ [Tensor(SN,3), float]: Concatenated points. ‘batch_lengths’ [Tensor(B,), int]: Number of points in each
point cloud of the batch.
‘label’ [Tensor(SN,) (optional)]: Concatenated labels.
- Returns
- [Dict] visualizations of inputs and outputs suitable to save as an
Open3D for TensorBoard summary.
(device, split='training')¶ Get the batcher to be used based on the device and split.
(ckpt_path=None, is_resume=True)¶ Load a checkpoint. You must pass the checkpoint and indicate if you want to resume.
(data)¶ Run inference on given data.
- Parameters
data – A raw data.
- Returns
Returns the inference results.
()¶ Run the test using the data passed.
()¶ Run training on train sets.
(epoch)¶ Save a checkpoint at the passed epoch.
(writer)¶ Save experiment configuration with tensorboard summary.
(writer, epoch)¶ Save logs from the training and send results to TensorBoard.
(sampler, inputs, results)¶ Update tests using sampler, inputs, and results.