Open3D (C++ API)  0.18.0
Namespaces | Functions
LineSetIO.h File Reference

(b9e049c (Sun Dec 31 11:36:26 2023 -0800))

#include <string>
#include "open3d/geometry/LineSet.h"

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std::shared_ptr< geometry::LineSet > open3d::io::CreateLineSetFromFile (const std::string &filename, const std::string &format, bool print_progress)
bool open3d::io::ReadLineSet (const std::string &filename, geometry::LineSet &lineset, const std::string &format, bool print_progress)
bool open3d::io::WriteLineSet (const std::string &filename, const geometry::LineSet &lineset, bool write_ascii, bool compressed, bool print_progress)
bool open3d::io::ReadLineSetFromPLY (const std::string &filename, geometry::LineSet &lineset, bool print_progress)
bool open3d::io::WriteLineSetToPLY (const std::string &filename, const geometry::LineSet &lineset, bool write_ascii, bool compressed, bool print_progress)