Open3D (C++ API)  0.18.0+252c867
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // - Open3D: -
3 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // Copyright (c) 2018-2023
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
6 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 #pragma once
10 #include <Eigen/Core>
11 #include <memory>
12 #include <unordered_map>
13 #include <vector>
16 #include "open3d/utility/Helper.h"
17 #include "open3d/utility/Logging.h"
19 namespace open3d {
21 namespace camera {
22 class PinholeCameraParameters;
23 }
25 namespace geometry {
27 class PointCloud;
28 class TriangleMesh;
29 class Octree;
30 class Image;
35 class Voxel {
36 public:
38  Voxel() {}
42  Voxel(const Eigen::Vector3i &grid_index) : grid_index_(grid_index) {}
47  Voxel(const Eigen::Vector3i &grid_index, const Eigen::Vector3d &color)
48  : grid_index_(grid_index), color_(color) {}
49  ~Voxel() {}
51 public:
53  Eigen::Vector3i grid_index_ = Eigen::Vector3i(0, 0, 0);
55  Eigen::Vector3d color_ = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
56 };
61 class VoxelGrid : public Geometry3D {
62 public:
66  VoxelGrid(const VoxelGrid &src_voxel_grid);
67  ~VoxelGrid() override {}
69  VoxelGrid &Clear() override;
70  bool IsEmpty() const override;
71  Eigen::Vector3d GetMinBound() const override;
72  Eigen::Vector3d GetMaxBound() const override;
73  Eigen::Vector3d GetCenter() const override;
82  bool robust = false) const override;
87  bool robust = false) const override;
89  VoxelGrid &Transform(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation) override;
90  VoxelGrid &Translate(const Eigen::Vector3d &translation,
91  bool relative = true) override;
92  VoxelGrid &Scale(const double scale,
93  const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override;
94  VoxelGrid &Rotate(const Eigen::Matrix3d &R,
95  const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override;
97  VoxelGrid &operator+=(const VoxelGrid &voxelgrid);
98  VoxelGrid operator+(const VoxelGrid &voxelgrid) const;
101  bool HasVoxels() const { return voxels_.size() > 0; }
103  bool HasColors() const {
104  return true; // By default, the colors are (0, 0, 0)
105  }
107  Eigen::Vector3i GetVoxel(const Eigen::Vector3d &point) const;
110  Eigen::Vector3d GetVoxelCenterCoordinate(const Eigen::Vector3i &idx) const {
111  auto it = voxels_.find(idx);
112  if (it != voxels_.end()) {
113  auto voxel = it->second;
114  return ((voxel.grid_index_.cast<double>() +
115  Eigen::Vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) *
116  voxel_size_) +
117  origin_;
118  } else {
119  return Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
120  }
121  }
124  void AddVoxel(const Voxel &voxel);
127  void RemoveVoxel(const Eigen::Vector3i &idx);
130  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> GetVoxelBoundingPoints(
131  const Eigen::Vector3i &index) const;
135  std::vector<bool> CheckIfIncluded(
136  const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> &queries);
148  const Image &depth_map,
149  const camera::PinholeCameraParameters &camera_parameter,
150  bool keep_voxels_outside_image);
162  const Image &silhouette_mask,
163  const camera::PinholeCameraParameters &camera_parameter,
164  bool keep_voxels_outside_image);
169  void CreateFromOctree(const Octree &octree);
174  std::shared_ptr<geometry::Octree> ToOctree(const size_t &max_depth) const;
185  static std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid> CreateDense(const Eigen::Vector3d &origin,
186  const Eigen::Vector3d &color,
187  double voxel_size,
188  double width,
189  double height,
190  double depth);
199  static std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid> CreateFromPointCloud(
200  const PointCloud &input, double voxel_size);
211  static std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid> CreateFromPointCloudWithinBounds(
212  const PointCloud &input,
213  double voxel_size,
214  const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bound,
215  const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bound);
223  static std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid> CreateFromTriangleMesh(
224  const TriangleMesh &input, double voxel_size);
234  static std::shared_ptr<VoxelGrid> CreateFromTriangleMeshWithinBounds(
235  const TriangleMesh &input,
236  double voxel_size,
237  const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bound,
238  const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bound);
243  std::vector<Voxel> GetVoxels() const;
245 public:
247  double voxel_size_ = 0.0;
249  Eigen::Vector3d origin_ = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
251  std::unordered_map<Eigen::Vector3i,
252  Voxel,
255 };
262 public:
263  AvgColorVoxel() : num_of_points_(0), color_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) {}
265 public:
266  void Add(const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_index) {
267  if (num_of_points_ > 0 && voxel_index != voxel_index_) {
269  "Tried to aggregate ColorVoxel with different "
270  "voxel_index");
271  }
272  voxel_index_ = voxel_index;
273  }
275  void Add(const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_index, const Eigen::Vector3d &color) {
276  Add(voxel_index);
277  color_ += color;
278  num_of_points_++;
279  }
281  Eigen::Vector3i GetVoxelIndex() const { return voxel_index_; }
283  Eigen::Vector3d GetAverageColor() const {
284  if (num_of_points_ > 0) {
285  return color_ / double(num_of_points_);
286  } else {
287  return color_;
288  }
289  }
291 public:
293  Eigen::Vector3i voxel_index_;
294  Eigen::Vector3d color_;
295 };
297 } // namespace geometry
298 } // namespace open3d
math::float4 color
Definition: LineSetBuffers.cpp:45
#define LogWarning(...)
Definition: Logging.h:60
Contains both intrinsic and extrinsic pinhole camera parameters.
Definition: PinholeCameraParameters.h:21
Class to aggregate color values from different votes in one voxel Computes the average color value in...
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:261
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:263
void Add(const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_index, const Eigen::Vector3d &color)
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:275
Eigen::Vector3d color_
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:294
void Add(const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_index)
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:266
Eigen::Vector3i GetVoxelIndex() const
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:281
int num_of_points_
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:292
Eigen::Vector3i voxel_index_
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:293
Eigen::Vector3d GetAverageColor() const
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:283
A bounding box that is aligned along the coordinate axes and defined by the min_bound and max_bound.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:160
The base geometry class for 3D geometries.
Definition: Geometry3D.h:28
The base geometry class.
Definition: Geometry.h:18
Specifies possible geometry types.
Definition: Geometry.h:23
The Image class stores image with customizable width, height, num of channels and bytes per channel.
Definition: Image.h:34
Octree datastructure.
Definition: Octree.h:244
A bounding box oriented along an arbitrary frame of reference.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:25
A point cloud consists of point coordinates, and optionally point colors and point normals.
Definition: PointCloud.h:36
Triangle mesh contains vertices and triangles represented by the indices to the vertices.
Definition: TriangleMesh.h:35
VoxelGrid is a collection of voxels which are aligned in grid.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:61
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > CreateFromTriangleMesh(const TriangleMesh &input, double voxel_size)
Definition: VoxelGridFactory.cpp:157
AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() const override
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:81
void CreateFromOctree(const Octree &octree)
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:215
VoxelGrid & CarveSilhouette(const Image &silhouette_mask, const camera::PinholeCameraParameters &camera_parameter, bool keep_voxels_outside_image)
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:305
VoxelGrid operator+(const VoxelGrid &voxelgrid) const
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:171
std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > GetVoxelBoundingPoints(const Eigen::Vector3i &index) const
Return a vector of 3D coordinates that define the indexed voxel cube.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:180
Default Constructor.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:64
VoxelGrid & Rotate(const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override
Apply rotation to the geometry coordinates and normals. Given a rotation matrix , and center ,...
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:114
OrientedBoundingBox GetOrientedBoundingBox(bool robust=false) const override
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:88
std::unordered_map< Eigen::Vector3i, Voxel, utility::hash_eigen< Eigen::Vector3i > > voxels_
Voxels contained in voxel grid.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:254
bool IsEmpty() const override
Returns true iff the geometry is empty.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:36
Eigen::Vector3d GetVoxelCenterCoordinate(const Eigen::Vector3i &idx) const
Function that returns the 3d coordinates of the queried voxel center.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:110
Eigen::Vector3d origin_
Coordinate of the origin point.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:249
VoxelGrid & Clear() override
Clear all elements in the geometry.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:29
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > CreateFromPointCloudWithinBounds(const PointCloud &input, double voxel_size, const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bound, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bound)
Definition: VoxelGridFactory.cpp:44
VoxelGrid & CarveDepthMap(const Image &depth_map, const camera::PinholeCameraParameters &camera_parameter, bool keep_voxels_outside_image)
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:261
VoxelGrid & Scale(const double scale, const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override
Apply scaling to the geometry coordinates. Given a scaling factor , and center , a given point is tr...
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:109
Eigen::Vector3d GetMinBound() const override
Returns min bounds for geometry coordinates.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:38
bool HasVoxels() const
Returns true if the voxel grid contains voxels.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:101
std::vector< bool > CheckIfIncluded(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &queries)
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:202
VoxelGrid & Transform(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation) override
Apply transformation (4x4 matrix) to the geometry coordinates.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:98
bool HasColors() const
Returns true if the voxel grid contains voxel colors.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:103
Eigen::Vector3d GetMaxBound() const override
Returns max bounds for geometry coordinates.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:51
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > CreateFromTriangleMeshWithinBounds(const TriangleMesh &input, double voxel_size, const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bound, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bound)
Definition: VoxelGridFactory.cpp:99
Eigen::Vector3d GetCenter() const override
Returns the center of the geometry coordinates.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:65
void AddVoxel(const Voxel &voxel)
Add a voxel with specified grid index and color.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:196
VoxelGrid & Translate(const Eigen::Vector3d &translation, bool relative=true) override
Apply translation to the geometry coordinates.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:103
std::vector< Voxel > GetVoxels() const
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:349
double voxel_size_
Size of the voxel.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:247
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > CreateDense(const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, const Eigen::Vector3d &color, double voxel_size, double width, double height, double depth)
Definition: VoxelGridFactory.cpp:21
void RemoveVoxel(const Eigen::Vector3i &idx)
Remove a voxel with specified grid index.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:200
VoxelGrid & operator+=(const VoxelGrid &voxelgrid)
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:120
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > CreateFromPointCloud(const PointCloud &input, double voxel_size)
Definition: VoxelGridFactory.cpp:90
Eigen::Vector3i GetVoxel(const Eigen::Vector3d &point) const
Returns voxel index given query point.
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:175
OrientedBoundingBox GetMinimalOrientedBoundingBox(bool robust=false) const override
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:93
std::shared_ptr< geometry::Octree > ToOctree(const size_t &max_depth) const
Definition: VoxelGrid.cpp:254
~VoxelGrid() override
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:67
Base Voxel class, containing grid id and color.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:35
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:49
Eigen::Vector3i grid_index_
Grid coordinate index of the voxel.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:53
Voxel(const Eigen::Vector3i &grid_index, const Eigen::Vector3d &color)
Parameterized Constructor.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:47
Eigen::Vector3d color_
Color of the voxel.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:55
Voxel(const Eigen::Vector3i &grid_index)
Parameterized Constructor.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:42
Default Constructor.
Definition: VoxelGrid.h:38
int width
Definition: FilePCD.cpp:52
int height
Definition: FilePCD.cpp:53
Definition: PinholeCameraIntrinsic.cpp:16
Definition: Helper.h:71