▼Ncore | |
►NTensor | |
►NConstIterator | |
CImpl | |
►NIterator | |
CImpl | |
▼Nfmt | |
Cformatter< Json::Value > | |
▼Nopen3d | |
►Ncamera | |
CPinholeCameraIntrinsic | Contains the pinhole camera intrinsic parameters |
CPinholeCameraParameters | Contains both intrinsic and extrinsic pinhole camera parameters |
CPinholeCameraTrajectory | |
►Ncore | |
►Nkernel | |
CCPUReductionEngine | |
CCPUArgReductionEngine | |
►Nlinalg | |
►Nkernel | |
Cun | |
►Nnns | |
CFixedRadiusIndex | FixedRadiusIndex for nearest neighbor range search |
CKnnIndex | |
CMemoryAllocation | A class for managing memory segments within a memory allocation |
►CNanoFlannIndexHolder | NanoFlann Index Holder |
CDataAdaptor | This class is the Adaptor for connecting Open3D Tensor and NanoFlann |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor | Adaptor Selector |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L1, fake > | |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L2, fake > | |
CNanoFlannIndex | |
CNearestNeighborSearch | A Class for nearest neighbor search |
CNeighborSearchAllocator | |
CNanoFlannIndexHolderBase | Base struct for NanoFlann index holder |
CNNSIndex | |
►Nsycl | |
CSYCLContext | |
►Ntensor_init | |
CNestedInitializerImpl | |
CNestedInitializerImpl< T, 0 > | |
CInitializerDim | |
CInitializerDim< std::initializer_list< L > > | |
CInitializerShapeImpl | |
CInitializerShapeImpl< 0 > | |
CAdvancedIndexPreprocessor | This class is based on PyTorch's aten/src/ATen/native/Indexing.cpp |
CAdvancedIndexer | |
CBlob | |
CCUDAScopedDevice | When CUDA is not enabled, this is a dummy class |
CDevice | |
CIsDevice | |
CDtype | |
CFunctionTraits | |
CFunctionTraits< T ClassType::* > | |
CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const > | |
CFunctionTraits< T & > | |
CFunctionTraits< T * > | |
►CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(Args...)> | |
Carg | |
CNullaryFunctionTraits | |
CUnaryFunctionTraits | |
CBinaryFunctionTraits | |
CCPUHashBackendBufferAccessor | |
CTBBHashBackend | |
CCUDAHashBackendBufferAccessor | |
CSlabHashBackend | |
CSlabHashBackendImpl | |
CSlab | |
CSlabNodeManagerImpl | |
CSlabNodeManager | |
Citerator_t | |
CPair | |
CStdGPUAllocator | |
CStdGPUHashBackend | |
CValueExtractor | |
CDeviceHashBackend | |
►CHashBackendBuffer | |
CHeapTop | |
CHashMap | |
CHashSet | |
COffsetCalculator | |
CTensorRef | A minimalistic class that reference a Tensor |
CTensorIterator | |
CIndexer | |
►CIndexerIterator | |
CIterator | |
CMemoryManager | |
CMemoryManagerDevice | Interface for all concrete memory manager classes |
CMemoryManagerCached | |
CMemoryManagerCPU | |
CSizeOrder | |
CPointerOrder | |
CVirtualBlock | |
CRealBlock | |
CMemoryCache | |
CCacher | |
CMemoryManagerStatistic | |
CScalar | |
CDynamicSizeVector | |
CSizeVector | |
Citerator_range | |
CSmallVectorBase | |
CSmallVectorAlignmentAndSize | Figure out the offset of the first element |
CSmallVectorTemplateCommon | |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase | |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true > | |
CSmallVectorImpl | |
CSmallVectorStorage | |
CSmallVectorStorage< T, 0 > | |
CCalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements | |
CSmallVector | |
CStdAllocator | |
COpen3DDLManagedTensor | Open3D DLPack Tensor manager |
►CTensor | |
CConstIterator | Const iterator for Tensor |
CIterator | Iterator for Tensor |
►CTensorKey | TensorKey is used to represent single index, slice or advanced indexing on a Tensor |
CImpl | |
CIndexImpl | |
CIndexTensorImpl | |
CSliceImpl | |
CTensorList | |
►Ndata | |
CDataset | Base Open3D dataset class |
CDataDescriptor | Infomation about a file to be downloaded |
CDownloadDataset | Dataset class with one or more downloaded file |
CArmadilloMesh | Data class for ArmadilloMesh contains the ArmadilloMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository |
CAvocadoModel | Data class for AvocadoModel contains a avocado model file, along with material and PNG format embedded textures |
CBedroomRGBDImages | Data class for BedroomRGBDImages contains a sample set of 21931 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, and mesh reconstruction |
CBunnyMesh | Data class for BunnyMesh contains the BunnyMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository |
CCrateModel | Data class for CrateModel contains a sword model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
CDamagedHelmetModel | Data class for DamagedHelmetModel contains a damaged helmet model file, along with material and JPG format embedded textures |
CDemoColoredICPPointClouds | Data class for DemoColoredICPPointClouds contains 2 point clouds of PLY format. This data is used in Open3D for Colored-ICP demo |
CDemoCropPointCloud | Data class for DemoCropPointCloud contains a point cloud, and cropped.json (a saved selected polygon volume file). This data is used in Open3D for point cloud crop demo |
CDemoCustomVisualization | Data class for DemoCustomVisualization contains an example point-cloud, camera trajectory (json file), rendering options (json file). This data is used in Open3D for custom visualization with camera trajectory demo |
CDemoDopplerICPSequence | Data class for DemoDopplerICPSequence contains an example sequence of 100 point clouds with Doppler velocity channel and corresponding ground truth poses. The sequence was generated using the CARLA simulator |
CDemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds | Data class for DemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds contains 2 point cloud fragments and their respective FPFH features and L32D features. This data is used in Open3D for point cloud feature matching demo |
CDemoICPPointClouds | Data class for DemoICPPointClouds contains 3 point clouds of binary PCD format. This data is used in Open3D for ICP demo |
CDemoPoseGraphOptimization | Data class for DemoPoseGraphOptimization contains an example fragment pose graph, and global pose graph. This data is used in Open3D for pose graph optimization demo |
CEaglePointCloud | Data class for EaglePointCloud contains the EaglePointCloud.ply file |
CFlightHelmetModel | Data class for FlightHelmetModel contains a flight helmet model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
CJackJackL515Bag | Data class for JackJackL515Bag contains the RealSense L515 JackJackL515Bag.bag file |
CJuneauImage | Data class for JuneauImage contains the JuneauImage.jpg file |
CKnotMesh | Data class for KnotMesh contains the KnotMesh.ply file |
CLivingRoomPointClouds | Dataset class for LivingRoomPointClouds contains 57 point clouds of binary PLY format |
CLoungeRGBDImages | Data class for LoungeRGBDImages contains a sample set of 3000 color and depth images from Stanford Lounge RGBD dataset. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, and mesh reconstruction |
CMetalTexture | Data class for MetalTexture contains albedo, normal, roughness and metallic texture files for metal based material |
CMonkeyModel | Data class for MonkeyModel contains a monkey model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
COfficePointClouds | Dataset class for OfficePointClouds contains 53 point clouds of binary PLY format |
CPCDPointCloud | Data class for PCDPointCloud contains the fragment.pcd point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset |
CPLYPointCloud | Data class for PLYPointCloud contains the fragment.ply point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset |
CPTSPointCloud | Data class for PTSPointCloud contains a sample point-cloud of PTS format |
CPaintedPlasterTexture | Data class for PaintedPlasterTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for painted plaster based material |
CRedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CRedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CRedwoodIndoorOffice1 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice1 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CRedwoodIndoorOffice2 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice2 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CSampleFountainRGBDImages | Data class for SampleFountainRGBDImages contains a sample set of 33 color and depth images from the Fountain RGBD dataset |
CSampleL515Bag | Data class for SampleL515Bag contains the SampleL515Bag.bag file |
CSampleNYURGBDImage | Data class for SampleNYURGBDImage contains a color image NYU_color.ppm and a depth image NYU_depth.pgm sample from NYU RGBD dataset |
CSampleRedwoodRGBDImages | Data class for SampleRedwoodRGBDImages contains a sample set of 5 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset living-room1 |
CSampleSUNRGBDImage | Data class for SampleSUNRGBDImage contains a color image SUN_color.jpg and a depth image SUN_depth.png sample from SUN RGBD dataset |
CSampleTUMRGBDImage | Data class for SampleTUMRGBDImage contains a color image TUM_color.png and a depth image TUM_depth.png sample from TUM RGBD dataset |
CSwordModel | Data class for SwordModel contains a sword model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
CTerrazzoTexture | Data class for TerrazzoTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for terrazzo based material |
CTilesTexture | Data class for TilesTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for tiles based material |
CWoodFloorTexture | Data class for WoodFloorTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wooden floor based material |
CWoodTexture | Data class for WoodTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wood based material |
►Ngeometry | |
►Npoisson | |
COpen3DData | |
COpen3DPointStream | |
COpen3DVertex | |
CFEMTreeProfiler | |
CConstraintDual | |
CSystemDual | |
CSystemDual< Dim, double > | |
COrientedBoundingBox | A bounding box oriented along an arbitrary frame of reference |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBox | A bounding box that is aligned along the coordinate axes and defined by the min_bound and max_bound |
CGeometry | The base geometry class |
CGeometry2D | The base geometry class for 2D geometries |
CGeometry3D | The base geometry class for 3D geometries |
►CHalfEdgeTriangleMesh | HalfEdgeTriangleMesh inherits TriangleMesh class with the addition of HalfEdge data structure for each half edge in the mesh as well as related functions |
CHalfEdge | HalfEdge class contains vertex, triangle info about a half edge, as well as relations of next and twin half edge |
CImage | Stores image with customizable width, height, num of channels and bytes per channel |
CIntersectionTest | |
CKDTreeFlann | KDTree with FLANN for nearest neighbor search |
CKDTreeSearchParam | Base class for KDTree search parameters |
CKDTreeSearchParamKNN | KDTree search parameters for pure KNN search |
CKDTreeSearchParamRadius | KDTree search parameters for pure radius search |
CKDTreeSearchParamHybrid | KDTree search parameters for hybrid KNN and radius search |
CLine3D | Line3D is a class which derives from Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3> in order to capture the semantic differences between a "line", "ray", and "line segment" for operations in which the difference is important, such as intersection and distance tests. The underlying Eigen object can always be retrieved with the .Line() method |
CRay3D | A ray is a semantic interpretation of Eigen::ParametrizedLine which has an origin and a direction and extends infinitely only in that specific direction |
CSegment3D | A segment is a semantic interpretation of Eigen::ParametrizedLine which has an origin and an endpoint and exists finitely between them |
CLineSet | LineSet define a sets of lines in 3D. A typical application is to display the point cloud correspondence pairs |
CMeshBase | MeshBash Class |
COctreeNodeInfo | OctreeNode's information |
COctreeNode | The base class for octree node |
COctreeInternalNode | OctreeInternalNode class, containing OctreeNode children |
COctreeInternalPointNode | OctreeInternalPointNode class is an OctreeInternalNode containing a list of indices which is the union of all its children's list of indices |
COctreeLeafNode | OctreeLeafNode base class |
COctreeColorLeafNode | OctreeColorLeafNode class is an OctreeLeafNode containing color |
COctreePointColorLeafNode | OctreePointColorLeafNode class is an OctreeColorLeafNode containing a list of indices corresponding to the point cloud points contained in this leaf node |
COctree | Octree datastructure |
CPointCloud | A point cloud consists of point coordinates, and optionally point colors and point normals |
CRandomSampler | Helper class for random sampling |
CRANSACResult | Stores the current best result in the RANSAC algorithm |
CQhull | |
CRGBDImage | RGBDImage is for a pair of registered color and depth images, |
CBallPivotingVertex | |
CBallPivotingEdge | |
CBallPivotingTriangle | |
CBallPivoting | |
CTetraMesh | Tetra mesh contains vertices and tetrahedra represented by the indices to the vertices |
►CTriangleMesh | Triangle mesh contains vertices and triangles represented by the indices to the vertices |
►CMaterial | |
CMaterialParameter | |
CQuadric | |
CVoxel | Base Voxel class, containing grid id and color |
CVoxelGrid | VoxelGrid is a collection of voxels which are aligned in grid |
CAvgColorVoxel | Class to aggregate color values from different votes in one voxel Computes the average color value in the voxel |
CTSDFVoxel | |
►Nio | |
►Nrpc | |
►Nmessages | |
CArray | |
CMeshData | Struct for storing MeshData, e.g., PointClouds, TriangleMesh, . |
CSetMeshData | |
CGetMeshData | Struct for defining a "get_mesh_data" message, which requests mesh data |
CCameraData | Struct for storing camera data |
CSetCameraData | |
CSetTime | |
CSetActiveCamera | |
CSetProperties | |
CRequest | |
CReply | |
CStatus | |
CBufferConnection | Implements a connection writing to a buffer |
CConnection | |
CConnectionBase | Base class for all connections |
CDummyMessageProcessor | |
CDummyReceiver | |
CMessageProcessorBase | |
CZMQReceiver | Class for the server side receiving requests from a client |
CTextureImages | |
CArrayAdapter | |
CIntArrayBase | |
CIntArray | |
CReadTriangleModelOptions | |
CReadPointCloudOption | Optional parameters to ReadPointCloud |
CWritePointCloudOption | Optional parameters to WritePointCloud |
CAzureKinectRecorder | |
CAzureKinectSensor | |
CAzureKinectSensorConfig | |
CMKVMetadata | |
CMKVReader | |
CMKVWriter | |
CRGBDRecorder | |
CRGBDSensor | |
CRGBDSensorConfig | |
CReadTriangleMeshOptions | |
►Nml | |
►Ncontrib | |
CPointXYZ | |
CPointCloud | |
CSampledData | |
CPoint | |
►Nimpl | |
CInterpolationVec | Class for computing interpolation weights |
CInterpolationVec< T, VECSIZE, InterpolationMode::NEAREST_NEIGHBOR > | Implementation for NEAREST_NEIGHBOR |
CInterpolationVec< T, VECSIZE, InterpolationMode::LINEAR > | Implementation for LINEAR (uses coordinate clamping) |
CInterpolationVec< T, VECSIZE, InterpolationMode::LINEAR_BORDER > | Implementation for LINEAR_BORDER (uses zero border instead of clamping) |
CMemoryAllocation | A class for managing memory segments within a memory allocation |
CAdaptor | Adaptor for nanoflann |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor | |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L2, T > | |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L1, T > | |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulatorBackprop | |
►Nop_util | |
CDimValue | Class for representing a possibly unknown dimension value |
CDim | Class for dimensions for which the value should be inferred |
CDimXPlus | |
CDimXMinus | |
CDimXMultiply | |
CDimXDivide | |
CDimXOr | |
CDimX | Dim expression class |
CCountArgs | |
►Npipelines | |
►Ncolor_map | |
CImageWarpingField | |
CNonRigidOptimizerOption | |
CRigidOptimizerOption | |
►Nintegration | |
►CScalableTSDFVolume | |
CVolumeUnit | |
CTSDFVolume | Base class of the Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) volume |
CUniformTSDFVolume | UniformTSDFVolume implements the classic TSDF volume with uniform voxel grid (Curless and Levoy 1996) |
►Nodometry | |
COdometryOption | |
CRGBDOdometryJacobian | Base class that computes Jacobian from two RGB-D images |
CRGBDOdometryJacobianFromColorTerm | Class to compute Jacobian using color term |
CRGBDOdometryJacobianFromHybridTerm | Class to compute Jacobian using hybrid term |
►Nregistration | |
CTransformationEstimationForColoredICP | |
CCorrespondenceChecker | Base class that checks if two (small) point clouds can be aligned |
CCorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnEdgeLength | Check if two point clouds build the polygons with similar edge lengths |
CCorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnDistance | Check if two aligned point clouds are close |
CCorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnNormal | Class to check if two aligned point clouds have similar normals |
CFastGlobalRegistrationOption | Options for FastGlobalRegistration |
CFeature | Class to store featrues for registration |
CTransformationEstimationForGeneralizedICP | |
CGlobalOptimizationOption | Option for GlobalOptimization |
CGlobalOptimizationConvergenceCriteria | Convergence criteria of GlobalOptimization |
CGlobalOptimizationMethod | Base class for global optimization method |
CGlobalOptimizationGaussNewton | Global optimization with Gauss-Newton algorithm |
CGlobalOptimizationLevenbergMarquardt | Global optimization with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm |
CPoseGraphNode | Node of PoseGraph |
CPoseGraphEdge | Edge of PoseGraph |
CPoseGraph | Data structure defining the pose graph |
CICPConvergenceCriteria | Class that defines the convergence criteria of ICP |
CRANSACConvergenceCriteria | Class that defines the convergence criteria of RANSAC |
CRegistrationResult | |
CRobustKernel | |
CL2Loss | |
CL1Loss | |
CHuberLoss | |
CCauchyLoss | |
CGMLoss | |
CTukeyLoss | |
CTransformationEstimation | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPoint | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPlane | |
►Nt | |
►Ngeometry | |
►Nkernel | |
►Nvoxel_grid | |
CCoord3i | |
CCoord3iHash | |
CMiniVecCache | |
CTransformIndexer | Helper class for converting coordinates/indices between 3D/3D, 3D/2D, 2D/3D |
CTArrayIndexer | |
►Nvtkutils | |
CVtkToTensorType | |
CVtkToTensorType< long long > | |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBox | A bounding box that is aligned along the coordinate axes and defined by the min_bound and max_bound |
COrientedBoundingBox | A bounding box oriented along an arbitrary frame of reference |
CDrawableGeometry | Mix-in class for geometry types that can be visualized |
CGeometry | The base geometry class |
CImage | Stores image with customizable rows, cols, channels, dtype and device |
CLineSet | A LineSet contains points and lines joining them and optionally attributes on the points and lines |
CPointCloud | A point cloud contains a list of 3D points |
►CRaycastingScene | A scene class with basic ray casting and closest point queries |
CImpl | |
CRGBDImage | RGBDImage A pair of color and depth images |
CTensorMap | |
CTriangleMesh | A triangle mesh contains vertices and triangles |
CVoxelBlockGrid | |
►Nio | |
CPCLPointField | |
CPCDHeader | |
CReadAttributePtr | |
CWriteAttributePtr | |
►CPLYReaderState | |
CAttrState | |
CAttributePtr | |
CDepthNoiseSimulator | |
CCharVector | |
CNumpyArray | |
CRealSenseSensor | RealSense camera discovery, configuration, streaming and recording |
CRealSenseSensorConfig | |
CRealSenseValidConfigs | |
CRSBagReader | |
CRGBDSensor | Interface class for control of RGBD cameras |
CRGBDVideoMetadata | RGBD video metadata |
CRGBDVideoReader | |
►Npipelines | |
►Nodometry | |
COdometryConvergenceCriteria | |
COdometryResult | |
COdometryLossParams | |
►Nregistration | |
CICPConvergenceCriteria | Class that defines the convergence criteria of ICP |
CRegistrationResult | |
CRobustKernel | |
CTransformationEstimation | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPoint | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPlane | |
CTransformationEstimationForColoredICP | |
CTransformationEstimationForDopplerICP | |
►Nslac | |
CControlGrid | |
CSLACOptimizerParams | |
CSLACDebugOption | |
►Nslam | |
CFrame | Frame is a container class storing an intrinsic matrix and several 2D tensors, from depth map, vertex map, to color map, in a customized way |
CModel | |
►Nutility | |
►Ndetail_ | |
Chas_overloaded_addressof | |
►Nfilesystem | |
CCFile | |
►Nrandom | |
CRandomContext | |
CUniformIntGenerator | |
CUniformRealGenerator | |
CNormalGenerator | |
CDiscreteGenerator | |
CMiniVecHash | |
CMiniVecEq | |
CCompilerInfo | Compiler information |
►CCPUInfo | CPU information |
CImpl | |
Chash_tuple | |
Chash_tuple< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
Chash_eigen | |
Chash_enum_class | |
CIJsonConvertible | |
►CISAInfo | ISA information |
CImpl | |
►CLogger | Logger class should be used as a global singleton object (GetInstance()) |
CImpl | |
CVerbosityContextManager | |
CMiniVec | |
Cin_place_t | |
Coptional | |
Ctrivial_init_t | |
►Cnullopt_t | |
Cinit | |
Cbad_optional_access | |
Cstorage_t | |
Cconstexpr_storage_t | |
Coptional_base | |
Cconstexpr_optional_base | |
Coptional< T & > | |
Coptional< T && > | |
COverloaded | |
COverloaded< T1, Ts... > | |
COverloaded< T1 > | |
CProgressBar | |
COMPProgressBar | |
CCountingProgressReporter | |
CConsoleProgressUpdater | Update_progress(double percent) functor for ProgressBar |
CTimer | |
CScopeTimer | |
CFPSTimer | |
►Nvisualization | |
►Nglsl | |
CGeometryRenderer | |
CPointCloudRenderer | |
CPointCloudPickingRenderer | |
CLineSetRenderer | |
CTetraMeshRenderer | |
COrientedBoundingBoxRenderer | |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRenderer | |
CTriangleMeshRenderer | |
CVoxelGridRenderer | |
COctreeRenderer | |
CImageRenderer | |
CRGBDImageRenderer | |
CCoordinateFrameRenderer | |
CSelectionPolygonRenderer | |
CPointCloudPickerRenderer | |
CImageMaskShader | |
CImageMaskShaderForImage | |
CImageShader | |
CImageShaderForImage | |
CNormalShader | |
CNormalShaderForPointCloud | |
CNormalShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CPhongShader | |
CPhongShaderForPointCloud | |
CPhongShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CPickingShader | |
CPickingShaderForPointCloud | |
CRGBDImageShader | |
CRGBDImageShaderForImage | |
CShaderWrapper | |
CSimple2DShader | |
CSimple2DShaderForSelectionPolygon | |
CSimpleBlackShader | |
CSimpleBlackShaderForPointCloudNormal | |
CSimpleBlackShaderForTriangleMeshWireFrame | |
CSimpleShader | |
CSimpleShaderForPointCloud | |
CSimpleShaderForLineSet | |
CSimpleShaderForTetraMesh | |
CSimpleShaderForOrientedBoundingBox | |
CSimpleShaderForAxisAlignedBoundingBox | |
CSimpleShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CSimpleShaderForVoxelGridLine | |
CSimpleShaderForVoxelGridFace | |
CSimpleShaderForOctreeLine | |
CSimpleShaderForOctreeFace | |
CTexturePhongShader | |
CTexturePhongShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CTextureSimpleShader | |
CTextureSimpleShaderForTriangleMesh | |
►Ngui | |
►CApplication | |
CEnvUnlocker | |
►CImpl | |
CPosted | |
►CBitmapWindowSystem | |
CImpl | |
►CButton | |
CImpl | |
►CCheckbox | |
CImpl | |
CColor | |
►CColorEdit | |
CImpl | |
►CCombobox | |
CImpl | |
►CDialog | Base class for dialogs |
CImpl | |
CMouseEvent | |
CTickEvent | |
CKeyEvent | |
CTextInputEvent | |
CDirEntry | |
►CFileDialog | |
CImpl | |
►CFontDescription | |
CCPRange | |
CGLFWWindowSystem | |
CPoint | |
CSize | |
CRect | |
CFontContext | |
►CImageWidget | |
CImpl | |
CMaterialPool | |
CScissorRectKey | |
►CImguiFilamentBridge | |
CImpl | |
►CLabel | |
CImpl | |
►CLabel3D | |
CImpl | |
CMargins | |
►CLayout1D | |
CFixed | |
CImpl | |
CStretch | |
CVert | Lays out widgets vertically |
►CCollapsableVert | |
CImpl | |
►CScrollableVert | This a vertical layout that scrolls if it is smaller than its contents |
CImpl | |
CHoriz | Lays out widgets horizontally |
►CVGrid | |
CImpl | |
►CListView | |
CImpl | |
►CMenu | |
CImpl | |
CMenuBase | |
►CMenuImgui | |
►CImpl | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuMacOS | |
►CNumberEdit | |
CImpl | |
CSelectionIndexLookup | |
CPickPointsInteractor | |
►CProgressBar | |
CImpl | |
►CRadioButton | |
CImpl | |
CRotateSunInteractor | |
CRotateIBLInteractor | |
CFlyInteractor | |
CRotationInteractor | |
CRotateModelInteractor | |
CRotateCameraInteractor | |
CRotateCameraSphereInteractor | |
CPickInteractor | |
CInteractors | |
►CSceneWidget | |
CImpl | |
CMouseInteractor | |
CPickableGeometry | |
►CSlider | |
CImpl | |
►CStackedWidget | |
CImpl | |
►CTabControl | |
CImpl | |
►CTask | |
CImpl | |
►CTextEdit | |
CImpl | |
CTheme | |
►CToggleSwitch | |
CImpl | |
►CCheckableTextTreeCell | |
CImpl | |
►CLUTTreeCell | |
CImpl | |
►CColormapTreeCell | |
CImpl | |
►CTreeView | |
►CImpl | |
CItem | |
►CUIImage | |
CDrawParams | |
CImpl | |
►CVectorEdit | |
CImpl | |
CLayoutContext | |
CDrawContext | |
►CWidget | |
CConstraints | |
CImpl | |
►CWidgetProxy | Widget container to delegate any widget dynamically |
CImpl | |
►CWidgetStack | WidgetStack manages multiple widgets in a stack |
CImpl | |
►CWindow | |
CImpl | |
CWindowSystem | |
►Nrendering | |
►CCamera | |
CProjectionInfo | |
CCameraInteractorLogic | |
CCameraSphereInteractorLogic | |
CColorGradingParams | Manages |
CFilamentCamera | |
CEngineInstance | |
CFilamentMaterialModifier | |
CTemporaryLineSetBuilder | |
CTemporaryMeshBuilder | |
CGeometryBuffersBuilder | |
CTriangleMeshBuffersBuilder | |
CPointCloudBuffersBuilder | |
CLineSetBuffersBuilder | |
CTMeshBuffersBuilder | |
CTPointCloudBuffersBuilder | |
CTLineSetBuffersBuilder | |
CFilamentRenderer | |
CFilamentRenderToBuffer | |
►CFilamentResourceManager | |
CBoxedResource | |
CRenderRequest | |
CFilamentScene | |
CFilamentView | |
►CGradient | |
CPoint | |
CIBLRotationInteractorLogic | |
CLight | |
CLightDirectionInteractorLogic | |
CMaterial | |
CTextureSamplerParameters | |
CMaterialModifier | |
CMaterialRecord | |
CMatrixInteractorLogic | |
►CTriangleMeshModel | |
CMeshInfo | |
CModelInteractorLogic | |
COpen3DScene | |
CResourceLoadRequest | |
CRenderer | |
CREHandle_abstract | |
CREHandle | |
CLightDescription | |
►CRenderToBuffer | |
CBuffer | |
CRotationInteractorLogic | |
CScene | |
CView | |
►Nvisualizer | |
►CO3DVisualizer | |
CDrawObject | |
CImpl | |
CUIState | |
►CO3DVisualizerSelections | |
CSelectedIndex | |
►Nwebrtc_server | |
CBitmapTrackSourceInterface | |
CBitmapTrackSource | |
CRequestHandler | |
CHttpServerRequestHandler | |
CImageCapturer | |
CImageTrackSource | |
CIceServer | |
CPeerConnectionManager | |
CVideoFilter | VideoFilter is a templated class for video frame processing |
CVideoScaler | |
►CWebRTCWindowSystem | WebRTCWindowSystem is a BitmapWindowSystem with a WebRTC server that sends video frames to remote clients for visualization |
CImpl | |
CColorMap | |
CColorMapGray | |
CColorMapJet | See Matlab's Jet colormap |
CColorMapSummer | See Matlab's Summer colormap |
CColorMapWinter | See Matlab's Winter colormap |
CColorMapHot | |
CDrawObject | |
CDrawAction | |
CPointCloudPicker | A utility class to store picked points of a pointcloud |
CSelectionPolygon | |
CSelectionPolygonVolume | Select a polygon volume for cropping |
►CGuiSettingsModel | |
CLightingProfile | |
CLitMaterial | |
CMaterials | |
CUnlitMaterial | |
CGuiSettingsView | |
►CGuiVisualizer | |
►CImpl | |
CSettings | |
CSmallButton | |
CSmallToggleButton | |
CMessageProcessor | |
CRenderOption | Defines rendering options for visualizer |
CRenderOptionWithEditing | |
CViewControl | View controller for visualizer |
CViewControlWithCustomAnimation | |
CViewControlWithEditing | |
CViewParameters | |
CViewTrajectory | |
CGLFWContext | GLFW context, handled as a singleton |
►CVisualizer | The main Visualizer class |
CMouseControl | |
CVisualizerWithCustomAnimation | |
CVisualizerWithEditing | Visualizer with editing capabilities |
CVisualizerWithKeyCallback | Visualizer with custom key callback capabilities |
►CVisualizerWithVertexSelection | |
CPickedPoint | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< open3d::core::Device > | |
Chash< open3d::utility::optional< T > > | |
Chash< open3d::utility::optional< T & > > | |
CBallQueryOpKernel | |
CBuildSpatialHashTableOpKernel | |
CBuildSpatialHashTableOpKernelCPU | |
CContinuousConvBackpropFilterOpKernel | |
CContinuousConvBackpropFilterOpKernelCPU | |
CContinuousConvFunction | |
CContinuousConvOpKernel | |
CContinuousConvOpKernelCPU | |
CContinuousConvTransposeBackpropFilterOpKernel | |
CContinuousConvTransposeBackpropFilterOpKernelCPU | |
CContinuousConvTransposeFunction | |
CContinuousConvTransposeOpKernel | |
CContinuousConvTransposeOpKernelCPU | |
CDLContext | A Device context for Tensor and operator |
CDLDataType | The data type the tensor can hold |
CDLManagedTensor | C Tensor object, manage memory of DLTensor. This data structure is intended to facilitate the borrowing of DLTensor by another framework. It is not meant to transfer the tensor. When the borrowing framework doesn't need the tensor, it should call the deleter to notify the host that the resource is no longer needed |
CDLTensor | Plain C Tensor object, does not manage memory |
CFixedRadiusSearchOpKernelCPU | |
CFurthestPointSamplingOpKernel | |
CInvertNeighborsListOpKernelCPU | |
CKnnSearchOpKernelCPU | |
CNanoFlann | KDTree with NanoFlann for nearest neighbor search |
CNeighborSearchAllocator | |
CNmsOpKernelCPU | |
CRadiusSearchOpKernelCPU | |
CRaggedTensor | |
CReduceSubarraysSumOpKernelCPU | |
CRoiPoolOpKernel | |
CSparseConvBackpropFilterOpKernel | |
CSparseConvBackpropFilterOpKernelCPU | |
CSparseConvFunction | |
CSparseConvOpKernel | |
CSparseConvOpKernelCPU | |
CSparseConvTransposeBackpropFilterOpKernel | |
CSparseConvTransposeBackpropFilterOpKernelCPU | |
CSparseConvTransposeFunction | |
CSparseConvTransposeOpKernel | |
CSparseConvTransposeOpKernelCPU | |
CThreeInterpolateGradOpKernel | |
CThreeInterpolateOpKernel | |
CThreeNNOpKernel | |
CTrilinearDevoxelizeGradOpKernel | |
CTrilinearDevoxelizeOpKernel | |
CVoxelizeOpKernelCPU | |
CVoxelizeOutputAllocator | |
CVoxelPoolingFunction | |
CVoxelPoolingGradOpKernelCPU | |
CVoxelPoolingOpKernelCPU | |