▼Ncore | |
►NTensor | |
►NConstIterator | |
CImpl | |
►NIterator | |
CImpl | |
NEigen | |
Nfilament | |
▼Nfmt | |
Cformatter< Json::Value > | |
▼Nopen3d | |
►Ncamera | |
CPinholeCameraIntrinsic | Contains the pinhole camera intrinsic parameters |
CPinholeCameraParameters | Contains both intrinsic and extrinsic pinhole camera parameters |
CPinholeCameraTrajectory | |
►Ncore | |
Ncuda | |
Neigen_converter | |
►Nkernel | |
CCPUReductionEngine | |
CCPUArgReductionEngine | |
►Nlinalg | |
►Nkernel | |
Cun | |
►Nnns | |
Nimpl | |
CFixedRadiusIndex | FixedRadiusIndex for nearest neighbor range search |
CKnnIndex | |
CMemoryAllocation | A class for managing memory segments within a memory allocation |
►CNanoFlannIndexHolder | NanoFlann Index Holder |
CDataAdaptor | This class is the Adaptor for connecting Open3D Tensor and NanoFlann |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor | Adaptor Selector |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L1, fake > | |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L2, fake > | |
CNanoFlannIndex | |
CNearestNeighborSearch | A Class for nearest neighbor search |
CNeighborSearchAllocator | |
CNanoFlannIndexHolderBase | Base struct for NanoFlann index holder |
CNNSIndex | |
Nshape_util | |
►Nsycl | |
CSYCLContext | |
Ntensor_check | |
►Ntensor_init | |
CNestedInitializerImpl | |
CNestedInitializerImpl< T, 0 > | |
CInitializerDim | |
CInitializerDim< std::initializer_list< L > > | |
CInitializerShapeImpl | |
CInitializerShapeImpl< 0 > | |
CAdvancedIndexPreprocessor | This class is based on PyTorch's aten/src/ATen/native/Indexing.cpp |
CAdvancedIndexer | |
CBlob | |
CCUDAScopedDevice | When CUDA is not enabled, this is a dummy class |
CDevice | |
CIsDevice | |
CDtype | |
CFunctionTraits | |
CFunctionTraits< T ClassType::* > | |
CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const > | |
CFunctionTraits< T & > | |
CFunctionTraits< T * > | |
►CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(Args...)> | |
Carg | |
CNullaryFunctionTraits | |
CUnaryFunctionTraits | |
CBinaryFunctionTraits | |
CCPUHashBackendBufferAccessor | |
CTBBHashBackend | |
CCUDAHashBackendBufferAccessor | |
CSlabHashBackend | |
CSlabHashBackendImpl | |
CSlab | |
CSlabNodeManagerImpl | |
CSlabNodeManager | |
Citerator_t | |
CPair | |
CStdGPUAllocator | |
CStdGPUHashBackend | |
CValueExtractor | |
CDeviceHashBackend | |
►CHashBackendBuffer | |
CHeapTop | |
CHashMap | |
CHashSet | |
COffsetCalculator | |
CTensorRef | A minimalistic class that reference a Tensor |
CTensorIterator | |
CIndexer | |
►CIndexerIterator | |
CIterator | |
CMemoryManager | |
CMemoryManagerDevice | Interface for all concrete memory manager classes |
CMemoryManagerCached | |
CMemoryManagerCPU | |
CSizeOrder | |
CPointerOrder | |
CVirtualBlock | |
CRealBlock | |
CMemoryCache | |
CCacher | |
CMemoryManagerStatistic | |
CScalar | |
CDynamicSizeVector | |
CSizeVector | |
Citerator_range | |
CSmallVectorBase | |
CSmallVectorAlignmentAndSize | Figure out the offset of the first element |
CSmallVectorTemplateCommon | |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase | |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true > | |
CSmallVectorImpl | |
CSmallVectorStorage | |
CSmallVectorStorage< T, 0 > | |
CCalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements | |
CSmallVector | |
CStdAllocator | |
COpen3DDLManagedTensor | Open3D DLPack Tensor manager |
►CTensor | |
CConstIterator | Const iterator for Tensor |
CIterator | Iterator for Tensor |
►CTensorKey | TensorKey is used to represent single index, slice or advanced indexing on a Tensor |
CImpl | |
CIndexImpl | |
CIndexTensorImpl | |
CSliceImpl | |
CTensorList | |
►Ndata | |
CDataset | Base Open3D dataset class |
CDataDescriptor | Infomation about a file to be downloaded |
CDownloadDataset | Dataset class with one or more downloaded file |
CArmadilloMesh | Data class for ArmadilloMesh contains the ArmadilloMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository |
CAvocadoModel | Data class for AvocadoModel contains a avocado model file, along with material and PNG format embedded textures |
CBedroomRGBDImages | Data class for BedroomRGBDImages contains a sample set of 21931 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, and mesh reconstruction |
CBunnyMesh | Data class for BunnyMesh contains the BunnyMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository |
CCrateModel | Data class for CrateModel contains a sword model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
CDamagedHelmetModel | Data class for DamagedHelmetModel contains a damaged helmet model file, along with material and JPG format embedded textures |
CDemoColoredICPPointClouds | Data class for DemoColoredICPPointClouds contains 2 point clouds of PLY format. This data is used in Open3D for Colored-ICP demo |
CDemoCropPointCloud | Data class for DemoCropPointCloud contains a point cloud, and cropped.json (a saved selected polygon volume file). This data is used in Open3D for point cloud crop demo |
CDemoCustomVisualization | Data class for DemoCustomVisualization contains an example point-cloud, camera trajectory (json file), rendering options (json file). This data is used in Open3D for custom visualization with camera trajectory demo |
CDemoDopplerICPSequence | Data class for DemoDopplerICPSequence contains an example sequence of 100 point clouds with Doppler velocity channel and corresponding ground truth poses. The sequence was generated using the CARLA simulator |
CDemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds | Data class for DemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds contains 2 point cloud fragments and their respective FPFH features and L32D features. This data is used in Open3D for point cloud feature matching demo |
CDemoICPPointClouds | Data class for DemoICPPointClouds contains 3 point clouds of binary PCD format. This data is used in Open3D for ICP demo |
CDemoPoseGraphOptimization | Data class for DemoPoseGraphOptimization contains an example fragment pose graph, and global pose graph. This data is used in Open3D for pose graph optimization demo |
CEaglePointCloud | Data class for EaglePointCloud contains the EaglePointCloud.ply file |
CFlightHelmetModel | Data class for FlightHelmetModel contains a flight helmet model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
CJackJackL515Bag | Data class for JackJackL515Bag contains the RealSense L515 JackJackL515Bag.bag file |
CJuneauImage | Data class for JuneauImage contains the JuneauImage.jpg file |
CKnotMesh | Data class for KnotMesh contains the KnotMesh.ply file |
CLivingRoomPointClouds | Dataset class for LivingRoomPointClouds contains 57 point clouds of binary PLY format |
CLoungeRGBDImages | Data class for LoungeRGBDImages contains a sample set of 3000 color and depth images from Stanford Lounge RGBD dataset. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, and mesh reconstruction |
CMetalTexture | Data class for MetalTexture contains albedo, normal, roughness and metallic texture files for metal based material |
CMonkeyModel | Data class for MonkeyModel contains a monkey model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
COfficePointClouds | Dataset class for OfficePointClouds contains 53 point clouds of binary PLY format |
CPCDPointCloud | Data class for PCDPointCloud contains the fragment.pcd point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset |
CPLYPointCloud | Data class for PLYPointCloud contains the fragment.ply point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset |
CPTSPointCloud | Data class for PTSPointCloud contains a sample point-cloud of PTS format |
CPaintedPlasterTexture | Data class for PaintedPlasterTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for painted plaster based material |
CRedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CRedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CRedwoodIndoorOffice1 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice1 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CRedwoodIndoorOffice2 | Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice2 , containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory |
CSampleFountainRGBDImages | Data class for SampleFountainRGBDImages contains a sample set of 33 color and depth images from the Fountain RGBD dataset |
CSampleL515Bag | Data class for SampleL515Bag contains the SampleL515Bag.bag file |
CSampleNYURGBDImage | Data class for SampleNYURGBDImage contains a color image NYU_color.ppm and a depth image NYU_depth.pgm sample from NYU RGBD dataset |
CSampleRedwoodRGBDImages | Data class for SampleRedwoodRGBDImages contains a sample set of 5 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset living-room1 |
CSampleSUNRGBDImage | Data class for SampleSUNRGBDImage contains a color image SUN_color.jpg and a depth image SUN_depth.png sample from SUN RGBD dataset |
CSampleTUMRGBDImage | Data class for SampleTUMRGBDImage contains a color image TUM_color.png and a depth image TUM_depth.png sample from TUM RGBD dataset |
CSwordModel | Data class for SwordModel contains a sword model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath() , however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap() |
CTerrazzoTexture | Data class for TerrazzoTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for terrazzo based material |
CTilesTexture | Data class for TilesTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for tiles based material |
CWoodFloorTexture | Data class for WoodFloorTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wooden floor based material |
CWoodTexture | Data class for WoodTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wood based material |
►Ngeometry | |
Nkeypoint | |
►Npoisson | |
COpen3DData | |
COpen3DPointStream | |
COpen3DVertex | |
CFEMTreeProfiler | |
CConstraintDual | |
CSystemDual | |
CSystemDual< Dim, double > | |
COrientedBoundingBox | A bounding box oriented along an arbitrary frame of reference |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBox | A bounding box that is aligned along the coordinate axes and defined by the min_bound and max_bound |
CGeometry | The base geometry class |
CGeometry2D | The base geometry class for 2D geometries |
CGeometry3D | The base geometry class for 3D geometries |
►CHalfEdgeTriangleMesh | HalfEdgeTriangleMesh inherits TriangleMesh class with the addition of HalfEdge data structure for each half edge in the mesh as well as related functions |
CHalfEdge | HalfEdge class contains vertex, triangle info about a half edge, as well as relations of next and twin half edge |
CImage | Stores image with customizable width, height, num of channels and bytes per channel |
CIntersectionTest | |
CKDTreeFlann | KDTree with FLANN for nearest neighbor search |
CKDTreeSearchParam | Base class for KDTree search parameters |
CKDTreeSearchParamKNN | KDTree search parameters for pure KNN search |
CKDTreeSearchParamRadius | KDTree search parameters for pure radius search |
CKDTreeSearchParamHybrid | KDTree search parameters for hybrid KNN and radius search |
CLine3D | Line3D is a class which derives from Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3> in order to capture the semantic differences between a "line", "ray", and "line segment" for operations in which the difference is important, such as intersection and distance tests. The underlying Eigen object can always be retrieved with the .Line() method |
CRay3D | A ray is a semantic interpretation of Eigen::ParametrizedLine which has an origin and a direction and extends infinitely only in that specific direction |
CSegment3D | A segment is a semantic interpretation of Eigen::ParametrizedLine which has an origin and an endpoint and exists finitely between them |
CLineSet | LineSet define a sets of lines in 3D. A typical application is to display the point cloud correspondence pairs |
CMeshBase | MeshBash Class |
COctreeNodeInfo | OctreeNode's information |
COctreeNode | The base class for octree node |
COctreeInternalNode | OctreeInternalNode class, containing OctreeNode children |
COctreeInternalPointNode | OctreeInternalPointNode class is an OctreeInternalNode containing a list of indices which is the union of all its children's list of indices |
COctreeLeafNode | OctreeLeafNode base class |
COctreeColorLeafNode | OctreeColorLeafNode class is an OctreeLeafNode containing color |
COctreePointColorLeafNode | OctreePointColorLeafNode class is an OctreeColorLeafNode containing a list of indices corresponding to the point cloud points contained in this leaf node |
COctree | Octree datastructure |
CPointCloud | A point cloud consists of point coordinates, and optionally point colors and point normals |
CRandomSampler | Helper class for random sampling |
CRANSACResult | Stores the current best result in the RANSAC algorithm |
CQhull | |
CRGBDImage | RGBDImage is for a pair of registered color and depth images, |
CBallPivotingVertex | |
CBallPivotingEdge | |
CBallPivotingTriangle | |
CBallPivoting | |
CTetraMesh | Tetra mesh contains vertices and tetrahedra represented by the indices to the vertices |
►CTriangleMesh | Triangle mesh contains vertices and triangles represented by the indices to the vertices |
►CMaterial | |
CMaterialParameter | |
CQuadric | |
CVoxel | Base Voxel class, containing grid id and color |
CVoxelGrid | VoxelGrid is a collection of voxels which are aligned in grid |
CAvgColorVoxel | Class to aggregate color values from different votes in one voxel Computes the average color value in the voxel |
CTSDFVoxel | |
►Nio | |
Nk4a_plugin | |
►Nrpc | |
►Nmessages | |
CArray | |
CMeshData | Struct for storing MeshData, e.g., PointClouds, TriangleMesh, . |
CSetMeshData | |
CGetMeshData | Struct for defining a "get_mesh_data" message, which requests mesh data |
CCameraData | Struct for storing camera data |
CSetCameraData | |
CSetTime | |
CSetActiveCamera | |
CSetProperties | |
CRequest | |
CReply | |
CStatus | |
CBufferConnection | Implements a connection writing to a buffer |
CConnection | |
CConnectionBase | Base class for all connections |
CDummyMessageProcessor | |
CDummyReceiver | |
CMessageProcessorBase | |
CZMQReceiver | Class for the server side receiving requests from a client |
CTextureImages | |
CArrayAdapter | |
CIntArrayBase | |
CIntArray | |
CReadTriangleModelOptions | |
CReadPointCloudOption | Optional parameters to ReadPointCloud |
CWritePointCloudOption | Optional parameters to WritePointCloud |
CAzureKinectRecorder | |
CAzureKinectSensor | |
CAzureKinectSensorConfig | |
CMKVMetadata | |
CMKVReader | |
CMKVWriter | |
CRGBDRecorder | |
CRGBDSensor | |
CRGBDSensorConfig | |
CReadTriangleMeshOptions | |
►Nml | |
►Ncontrib | |
CPointXYZ | |
CPointCloud | |
CSampledData | |
CPoint | |
►Nimpl | |
CInterpolationVec | Class for computing interpolation weights |
CInterpolationVec< T, VECSIZE, InterpolationMode::NEAREST_NEIGHBOR > | Implementation for NEAREST_NEIGHBOR |
CInterpolationVec< T, VECSIZE, InterpolationMode::LINEAR > | Implementation for LINEAR (uses coordinate clamping) |
CInterpolationVec< T, VECSIZE, InterpolationMode::LINEAR_BORDER > | Implementation for LINEAR_BORDER (uses zero border instead of clamping) |
CMemoryAllocation | A class for managing memory segments within a memory allocation |
CAdaptor | Adaptor for nanoflann |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor | |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L2, T > | |
CSelectNanoflannAdaptor< L1, T > | |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulatorBackprop | |
►Nop_util | |
CDimValue | Class for representing a possibly unknown dimension value |
CDim | Class for dimensions for which the value should be inferred |
CDimXPlus | |
CDimXMinus | |
CDimXMultiply | |
CDimXDivide | |
CDimXOr | |
CDimX | Dim expression class |
CCountArgs | |
►Npipelines | |
►Ncolor_map | |
CImageWarpingField | |
CNonRigidOptimizerOption | |
CRigidOptimizerOption | |
►Nintegration | |
►CScalableTSDFVolume | |
CVolumeUnit | |
CTSDFVolume | Base class of the Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) volume |
CUniformTSDFVolume | UniformTSDFVolume implements the classic TSDF volume with uniform voxel grid (Curless and Levoy 1996) |
►Nodometry | |
COdometryOption | |
CRGBDOdometryJacobian | Base class that computes Jacobian from two RGB-D images |
CRGBDOdometryJacobianFromColorTerm | Class to compute Jacobian using color term |
CRGBDOdometryJacobianFromHybridTerm | Class to compute Jacobian using hybrid term |
►Nregistration | |
CTransformationEstimationForColoredICP | |
CCorrespondenceChecker | Base class that checks if two (small) point clouds can be aligned |
CCorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnEdgeLength | Check if two point clouds build the polygons with similar edge lengths |
CCorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnDistance | Check if two aligned point clouds are close |
CCorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnNormal | Class to check if two aligned point clouds have similar normals |
CFastGlobalRegistrationOption | Options for FastGlobalRegistration |
CFeature | Class to store featrues for registration |
CTransformationEstimationForGeneralizedICP | |
CGlobalOptimizationOption | Option for GlobalOptimization |
CGlobalOptimizationConvergenceCriteria | Convergence criteria of GlobalOptimization |
CGlobalOptimizationMethod | Base class for global optimization method |
CGlobalOptimizationGaussNewton | Global optimization with Gauss-Newton algorithm |
CGlobalOptimizationLevenbergMarquardt | Global optimization with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm |
CPoseGraphNode | Node of PoseGraph |
CPoseGraphEdge | Edge of PoseGraph |
CPoseGraph | Data structure defining the pose graph |
CICPConvergenceCriteria | Class that defines the convergence criteria of ICP |
CRANSACConvergenceCriteria | Class that defines the convergence criteria of RANSAC |
CRegistrationResult | |
CRobustKernel | |
CL2Loss | |
CL1Loss | |
CHuberLoss | |
CCauchyLoss | |
CGMLoss | |
CTukeyLoss | |
CTransformationEstimation | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPoint | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPlane | |
►Nt | |
►Ngeometry | |
Nipp | |
►Nkernel | |
Nimage | |
Npcapartition | |
Npointcloud | |
Ntransform | |
Ntrianglemesh | |
Nuvunwrapping | |
►Nvoxel_grid | |
CCoord3i | |
CCoord3iHash | |
CMiniVecCache | |
CTransformIndexer | Helper class for converting coordinates/indices between 3D/3D, 3D/2D, 2D/3D |
CTArrayIndexer | |
Nnpp | |
►Nvtkutils | |
CVtkToTensorType | |
CVtkToTensorType< long long > | |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBox | A bounding box that is aligned along the coordinate axes and defined by the min_bound and max_bound |
COrientedBoundingBox | A bounding box oriented along an arbitrary frame of reference |
CDrawableGeometry | Mix-in class for geometry types that can be visualized |
CGeometry | The base geometry class |
CImage | Stores image with customizable rows, cols, channels, dtype and device |
CLineSet | A LineSet contains points and lines joining them and optionally attributes on the points and lines |
CPointCloud | A point cloud contains a list of 3D points |
►CRaycastingScene | A scene class with basic ray casting and closest point queries |
CImpl | |
CRGBDImage | RGBDImage A pair of color and depth images |
CTensorMap | |
CTriangleMesh | A triangle mesh contains vertices and triangles |
CVoxelBlockGrid | |
►Nio | |
CPCLPointField | |
CPCDHeader | |
CReadAttributePtr | |
CWriteAttributePtr | |
►CPLYReaderState | |
CAttrState | |
CAttributePtr | |
CDepthNoiseSimulator | |
CCharVector | |
CNumpyArray | |
CRealSenseSensor | RealSense camera discovery, configuration, streaming and recording |
CRealSenseSensorConfig | |
CRealSenseValidConfigs | |
CRSBagReader | |
CRGBDSensor | Interface class for control of RGBD cameras |
CRGBDVideoMetadata | RGBD video metadata |
CRGBDVideoReader | |
►Npipelines | |
►Nkernel | |
Nodometry | |
►Nodometry | |
COdometryConvergenceCriteria | |
COdometryResult | |
COdometryLossParams | |
►Nregistration | |
CICPConvergenceCriteria | Class that defines the convergence criteria of ICP |
CRegistrationResult | |
CRobustKernel | |
CTransformationEstimation | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPoint | |
CTransformationEstimationPointToPlane | |
CTransformationEstimationForColoredICP | |
CTransformationEstimationForDopplerICP | |
►Nslac | |
CControlGrid | |
CSLACOptimizerParams | |
CSLACDebugOption | |
►Nslam | |
CFrame | Frame is a container class storing an intrinsic matrix and several 2D tensors, from depth map, vertex map, to color map, in a customized way |
CModel | |
►Nutility | |
►Ndetail_ | |
Chas_overloaded_addressof | |
►Nfilesystem | |
CCFile | |
►Nrandom | |
CRandomContext | |
CUniformIntGenerator | |
CUniformRealGenerator | |
CNormalGenerator | |
CDiscreteGenerator | |
CMiniVecHash | |
CMiniVecEq | |
CCompilerInfo | Compiler information |
►CCPUInfo | CPU information |
CImpl | |
Chash_tuple | |
Chash_tuple< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
Chash_eigen | |
Chash_enum_class | |
CIJsonConvertible | |
►CISAInfo | ISA information |
CImpl | |
►CLogger | Logger class should be used as a global singleton object (GetInstance()) |
CImpl | |
CVerbosityContextManager | |
CMiniVec | |
Cin_place_t | |
Coptional | |
Ctrivial_init_t | |
►Cnullopt_t | |
Cinit | |
Cbad_optional_access | |
Cstorage_t | |
Cconstexpr_storage_t | |
Coptional_base | |
Cconstexpr_optional_base | |
Coptional< T & > | |
Coptional< T && > | |
COverloaded | |
COverloaded< T1, Ts... > | |
COverloaded< T1 > | |
CProgressBar | |
COMPProgressBar | |
CCountingProgressReporter | |
CConsoleProgressUpdater | Update_progress(double percent) functor for ProgressBar |
CTimer | |
CScopeTimer | |
CFPSTimer | |
►Nvisualization | |
Napp | |
Ngl_util | |
►Nglsl | |
CGeometryRenderer | |
CPointCloudRenderer | |
CPointCloudPickingRenderer | |
CLineSetRenderer | |
CTetraMeshRenderer | |
COrientedBoundingBoxRenderer | |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBoxRenderer | |
CTriangleMeshRenderer | |
CVoxelGridRenderer | |
COctreeRenderer | |
CImageRenderer | |
CRGBDImageRenderer | |
CCoordinateFrameRenderer | |
CSelectionPolygonRenderer | |
CPointCloudPickerRenderer | |
CImageMaskShader | |
CImageMaskShaderForImage | |
CImageShader | |
CImageShaderForImage | |
CNormalShader | |
CNormalShaderForPointCloud | |
CNormalShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CPhongShader | |
CPhongShaderForPointCloud | |
CPhongShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CPickingShader | |
CPickingShaderForPointCloud | |
CRGBDImageShader | |
CRGBDImageShaderForImage | |
CShaderWrapper | |
CSimple2DShader | |
CSimple2DShaderForSelectionPolygon | |
CSimpleBlackShader | |
CSimpleBlackShaderForPointCloudNormal | |
CSimpleBlackShaderForTriangleMeshWireFrame | |
CSimpleShader | |
CSimpleShaderForPointCloud | |
CSimpleShaderForLineSet | |
CSimpleShaderForTetraMesh | |
CSimpleShaderForOrientedBoundingBox | |
CSimpleShaderForAxisAlignedBoundingBox | |
CSimpleShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CSimpleShaderForVoxelGridLine | |
CSimpleShaderForVoxelGridFace | |
CSimpleShaderForOctreeLine | |
CSimpleShaderForOctreeFace | |
CTexturePhongShader | |
CTexturePhongShaderForTriangleMesh | |
CTextureSimpleShader | |
CTextureSimpleShaderForTriangleMesh | |
►Ngui | |
►CApplication | |
CEnvUnlocker | |
►CImpl | |
CPosted | |
►CBitmapWindowSystem | |
CImpl | |
►CButton | |
CImpl | |
►CCheckbox | |
CImpl | |
CColor | |
►CColorEdit | |
CImpl | |
►CCombobox | |
CImpl | |
►CDialog | Base class for dialogs |
CImpl | |
CMouseEvent | |
CTickEvent | |
CKeyEvent | |
CTextInputEvent | |
CDirEntry | |
►CFileDialog | |
CImpl | |
►CFontDescription | |
CCPRange | |
CGLFWWindowSystem | |
CPoint | |
CSize | |
CRect | |
CFontContext | |
►CImageWidget | |
CImpl | |
CMaterialPool | |
CScissorRectKey | |
►CImguiFilamentBridge | |
CImpl | |
►CLabel | |
CImpl | |
►CLabel3D | |
CImpl | |
CMargins | |
►CLayout1D | |
CFixed | |
CImpl | |
CStretch | |
CVert | Lays out widgets vertically |
►CCollapsableVert | |
CImpl | |
►CScrollableVert | This a vertical layout that scrolls if it is smaller than its contents |
CImpl | |
CHoriz | Lays out widgets horizontally |
►CVGrid | |
CImpl | |
►CListView | |
CImpl | |
►CMenu | |
CImpl | |
CMenuBase | |
►CMenuImgui | |
►CImpl | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuMacOS | |
►CNumberEdit | |
CImpl | |
CSelectionIndexLookup | |
CPickPointsInteractor | |
►CProgressBar | |
CImpl | |
►CRadioButton | |
CImpl | |
CRotateSunInteractor | |
CRotateIBLInteractor | |
CFlyInteractor | |
CRotationInteractor | |
CRotateModelInteractor | |
CRotateCameraInteractor | |
CRotateCameraSphereInteractor | |
CPickInteractor | |
CInteractors | |
►CSceneWidget | |
CImpl | |
CMouseInteractor | |
CPickableGeometry | |
►CSlider | |
CImpl | |
►CStackedWidget | |
CImpl | |
►CTabControl | |
CImpl | |
►CTask | |
CImpl | |
►CTextEdit | |
CImpl | |
CTheme | |
►CToggleSwitch | |
CImpl | |
►CCheckableTextTreeCell | |
CImpl | |
►CLUTTreeCell | |
CImpl | |
►CColormapTreeCell | |
CImpl | |
►CTreeView | |
►CImpl | |
CItem | |
►CUIImage | |
CDrawParams | |
CImpl | |
►CVectorEdit | |
CImpl | |
CLayoutContext | |
CDrawContext | |
►CWidget | |
CConstraints | |
CImpl | |
►CWidgetProxy | Widget container to delegate any widget dynamically |
CImpl | |
►CWidgetStack | WidgetStack manages multiple widgets in a stack |
CImpl | |
►CWindow | |
CImpl | |
CWindowSystem | |
►Nrendering | |
►CCamera | |
CProjectionInfo | |
CCameraInteractorLogic | |
CCameraSphereInteractorLogic | |
CColorGradingParams | Manages |
CFilamentCamera | |
CEngineInstance | |
CFilamentMaterialModifier | |
CTemporaryLineSetBuilder | |
CTemporaryMeshBuilder | |
CGeometryBuffersBuilder | |
CTriangleMeshBuffersBuilder | |
CPointCloudBuffersBuilder | |
CLineSetBuffersBuilder | |
CTMeshBuffersBuilder | |
CTPointCloudBuffersBuilder | |
CTLineSetBuffersBuilder | |
CFilamentRenderer | |
CFilamentRenderToBuffer | |
►CFilamentResourceManager | |
CBoxedResource | |
CRenderRequest | |
CFilamentScene | |
CFilamentView | |
►CGradient | |
CPoint | |
CIBLRotationInteractorLogic | |
CLight | |
CLightDirectionInteractorLogic | |
CMaterial | |
CTextureSamplerParameters | |
CMaterialModifier | |
CMaterialRecord | |
CMatrixInteractorLogic | |
►CTriangleMeshModel | |
CMeshInfo | |
CModelInteractorLogic | |
COpen3DScene | |
CResourceLoadRequest | |
CRenderer | |
CREHandle_abstract | |
CREHandle | |
CLightDescription | |
►CRenderToBuffer | |
CBuffer | |
CRotationInteractorLogic | |
CScene | |
CView | |
►Nvisualizer | |
►CO3DVisualizer | |
CDrawObject | |
CImpl | |
CUIState | |
►CO3DVisualizerSelections | |
CSelectedIndex | |
►Nwebrtc_server | |
CBitmapTrackSourceInterface | |
CBitmapTrackSource | |
CRequestHandler | |
CHttpServerRequestHandler | |
CImageCapturer | |
CImageTrackSource | |
CIceServer | |
CPeerConnectionManager | |
CVideoFilter | VideoFilter is a templated class for video frame processing |
CVideoScaler | |
►CWebRTCWindowSystem | WebRTCWindowSystem is a BitmapWindowSystem with a WebRTC server that sends video frames to remote clients for visualization |
CImpl | |
CColorMap | |
CColorMapGray | |
CColorMapJet | See Matlab's Jet colormap |
CColorMapSummer | See Matlab's Summer colormap |
CColorMapWinter | See Matlab's Winter colormap |
CColorMapHot | |
CDrawObject | |
CDrawAction | |
CPointCloudPicker | A utility class to store picked points of a pointcloud |
CSelectionPolygon | |
CSelectionPolygonVolume | Select a polygon volume for cropping |
►CGuiSettingsModel | |
CLightingProfile | |
CLitMaterial | |
CMaterials | |
CUnlitMaterial | |
CGuiSettingsView | |
►CGuiVisualizer | |
►CImpl | |
CSettings | |
CSmallButton | |
CSmallToggleButton | |
CMessageProcessor | |
CRenderOption | Defines rendering options for visualizer |
CRenderOptionWithEditing | |
CViewControl | View controller for visualizer |
CViewControlWithCustomAnimation | |
CViewControlWithEditing | |
CViewParameters | |
CViewTrajectory | |
CGLFWContext | GLFW context, handled as a singleton |
►CVisualizer | The main Visualizer class |
CMouseControl | |
CVisualizerWithCustomAnimation | |
CVisualizerWithEditing | Visualizer with editing capabilities |
CVisualizerWithKeyCallback | Visualizer with custom key callback capabilities |
►CVisualizerWithVertexSelection | |
CPickedPoint | |
Nrs2 | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< open3d::core::Device > | |
Chash< open3d::utility::optional< T > > | |
Chash< open3d::utility::optional< T & > > | |
Nzmq | |