Open3D (C++ API)  0.18.0+252c867
Data Structures | Functions
open3d::data Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  Dataset
 Base Open3D dataset class. More...
struct  DataDescriptor
 Infomation about a file to be downloaded. More...
class  DownloadDataset
 Dataset class with one or more downloaded file. More...
class  ArmadilloMesh
 Data class for ArmadilloMesh contains the ArmadilloMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository. More...
class  AvocadoModel
 Data class for AvocadoModel contains a avocado model file, along with material and PNG format embedded textures. More...
class  BedroomRGBDImages
 Data class for BedroomRGBDImages contains a sample set of 21931 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, and mesh reconstruction. More...
class  BunnyMesh
 Data class for BunnyMesh contains the BunnyMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository. More...
class  CrateModel
 Data class for CrateModel contains a sword model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath(), however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap(). More...
class  DamagedHelmetModel
 Data class for DamagedHelmetModel contains a damaged helmet model file, along with material and JPG format embedded textures. More...
class  DemoColoredICPPointClouds
 Data class for DemoColoredICPPointClouds contains 2 point clouds of PLY format. This data is used in Open3D for Colored-ICP demo. More...
class  DemoCropPointCloud
 Data class for DemoCropPointCloud contains a point cloud, and cropped.json (a saved selected polygon volume file). This data is used in Open3D for point cloud crop demo. More...
class  DemoCustomVisualization
 Data class for DemoCustomVisualization contains an example point-cloud, camera trajectory (json file), rendering options (json file). This data is used in Open3D for custom visualization with camera trajectory demo. More...
class  DemoDopplerICPSequence
 Data class for DemoDopplerICPSequence contains an example sequence of 100 point clouds with Doppler velocity channel and corresponding ground truth poses. The sequence was generated using the CARLA simulator. More...
class  DemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds
 Data class for DemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds contains 2 point cloud fragments and their respective FPFH features and L32D features. This data is used in Open3D for point cloud feature matching demo. More...
class  DemoICPPointClouds
 Data class for DemoICPPointClouds contains 3 point clouds of binary PCD format. This data is used in Open3D for ICP demo. More...
class  DemoPoseGraphOptimization
 Data class for DemoPoseGraphOptimization contains an example fragment pose graph, and global pose graph. This data is used in Open3D for pose graph optimization demo. More...
class  EaglePointCloud
 Data class for EaglePointCloud contains the EaglePointCloud.ply file. More...
class  FlightHelmetModel
 Data class for FlightHelmetModel contains a flight helmet model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath(), however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap(). More...
class  JackJackL515Bag
 Data class for JackJackL515Bag contains the RealSense L515 JackJackL515Bag.bag file. More...
class  JuneauImage
 Data class for JuneauImage contains the JuneauImage.jpg file. More...
class  KnotMesh
 Data class for KnotMesh contains the KnotMesh.ply file. More...
class  LivingRoomPointClouds
 Dataset class for LivingRoomPointClouds contains 57 point clouds of binary PLY format. More...
class  LoungeRGBDImages
 Data class for LoungeRGBDImages contains a sample set of 3000 color and depth images from Stanford Lounge RGBD dataset. Additionally it also contains camera trajectory log, and mesh reconstruction. More...
class  MetalTexture
 Data class for MetalTexture contains albedo, normal, roughness and metallic texture files for metal based material. More...
class  MonkeyModel
 Data class for MonkeyModel contains a monkey model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath(), however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap(). More...
class  OfficePointClouds
 Dataset class for OfficePointClouds contains 53 point clouds of binary PLY format. More...
class  PCDPointCloud
 Data class for PCDPointCloud contains the fragment.pcd point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset. More...
class  PLYPointCloud
 Data class for PLYPointCloud contains the fragment.ply point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset. More...
class  PTSPointCloud
 Data class for PTSPointCloud contains a sample point-cloud of PTS format. More...
class  PaintedPlasterTexture
 Data class for PaintedPlasterTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for painted plaster based material. More...
class  RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1
 Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. More...
class  RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2
 Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. More...
class  RedwoodIndoorOffice1
 Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice1, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. More...
class  RedwoodIndoorOffice2
 Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice2, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. More...
class  SampleFountainRGBDImages
 Data class for SampleFountainRGBDImages contains a sample set of 33 color and depth images from the Fountain RGBD dataset. More...
class  SampleL515Bag
 Data class for SampleL515Bag contains the SampleL515Bag.bag file. More...
class  SampleNYURGBDImage
 Data class for SampleNYURGBDImage contains a color image NYU_color.ppm and a depth image NYU_depth.pgm sample from NYU RGBD dataset. More...
class  SampleRedwoodRGBDImages
 Data class for SampleRedwoodRGBDImages contains a sample set of 5 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset living-room1. More...
class  SampleSUNRGBDImage
 Data class for SampleSUNRGBDImage contains a color image SUN_color.jpg and a depth image SUN_depth.png sample from SUN RGBD dataset. More...
class  SampleTUMRGBDImage
 Data class for SampleTUMRGBDImage contains a color image TUM_color.png and a depth image TUM_depth.png sample from TUM RGBD dataset. More...
class  SwordModel
 Data class for SwordModel contains a sword model file, along with material and various other texture files. The model file can be accessed using GetPath(), however in order to access the paths to the texture files one may use GetPath(filename) method or get the unordered map of filename to path using GetPathMap(). More...
class  TerrazzoTexture
 Data class for TerrazzoTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for terrazzo based material. More...
class  TilesTexture
 Data class for TilesTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for tiles based material. More...
class  WoodFloorTexture
 Data class for WoodFloorTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wooden floor based material. More...
class  WoodTexture
 Data class for WoodTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wood based material. More...


std::string LocateDataRoot ()
std::string Open3DDownloadsPrefix ()

Function Documentation

◆ LocateDataRoot()

std::string open3d::data::LocateDataRoot ( )

Function to return default data root directory in the following order:

(a) OPEN3D_DATA_ROOT environment variable. (b) $HOME/open3d_data.

◆ Open3DDownloadsPrefix()

std::string open3d::data::Open3DDownloadsPrefix ( )

Returns the URL prefix for the open3d_downloads's releases. See for more info. This is hard-coded to have "/" at the end.