Open3D (C++ API)  0.18.0+252c867
Public Member Functions
SparseConvOpKernelCPU< TFeat, TOut, TIndex, TKernelIndex > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for SparseConvOpKernelCPU< TFeat, TOut, TIndex, TKernelIndex >:
SparseConvOpKernel< TIndex >

Public Member Functions

 SparseConvOpKernelCPU (OpKernelConstruction *construction)
void Kernel (tensorflow::OpKernelContext *context, const tensorflow::Tensor &filters, const tensorflow::Tensor &inp_features, const tensorflow::Tensor &inp_importance, const tensorflow::Tensor &neighbors_index, const tensorflow::Tensor &neighbors_kernel_index, const tensorflow::Tensor &neighbors_importance, const tensorflow::Tensor &neighbors_row_splits, const std::vector< int > &filter_dims, const bool point_importances, const bool has_neighbors_importances, tensorflow::Tensor &out_features)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SparseConvOpKernel< TIndex >
 SparseConvOpKernel (tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction *construction)
void Compute (tensorflow::OpKernelContext *context) override

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from SparseConvOpKernel< TIndex >
bool normalize
int max_temp_mem_MB

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SparseConvOpKernelCPU()

template<class TFeat , class TOut , class TIndex , class TKernelIndex >
SparseConvOpKernelCPU< TFeat, TOut, TIndex, TKernelIndex >::SparseConvOpKernelCPU ( OpKernelConstruction *  construction)

Member Function Documentation

◆ Kernel()

template<class TFeat , class TOut , class TIndex , class TKernelIndex >
void SparseConvOpKernelCPU< TFeat, TOut, TIndex, TKernelIndex >::Kernel ( tensorflow::OpKernelContext *  context,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  filters,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  inp_features,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  inp_importance,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  neighbors_index,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  neighbors_kernel_index,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  neighbors_importance,
const tensorflow::Tensor &  neighbors_row_splits,
const std::vector< int > &  filter_dims,
const bool  point_importances,
const bool  has_neighbors_importances,
tensorflow::Tensor &  out_features 

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