Open3D (C++ API)  0.18.0+252c867
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1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // - Open3D: -
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4 // Copyright (c) 2018-2023
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
6 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 #pragma once
10 #include <Eigen/Core>
14 namespace open3d {
15 namespace geometry {
17 class AxisAlignedBoundingBox;
26 public:
32  center_(0, 0, 0),
33  R_(Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity()),
34  extent_(0, 0, 0),
35  color_(1, 1, 1) {}
42  OrientedBoundingBox(const Eigen::Vector3d& center,
43  const Eigen::Matrix3d& R,
44  const Eigen::Vector3d& extent)
46  center_(center),
47  R_(R),
48  extent_(extent) {}
49  ~OrientedBoundingBox() override {}
51 public:
52  OrientedBoundingBox& Clear() override;
53  bool IsEmpty() const override;
54  virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMinBound() const override;
55  virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMaxBound() const override;
56  virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetCenter() const override;
60  virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() const override;
64  bool robust) const override;
68  bool robust) const override;
71  const Eigen::Matrix4d& transformation) override;
72  virtual OrientedBoundingBox& Translate(const Eigen::Vector3d& translation,
73  bool relative = true) override;
74  virtual OrientedBoundingBox& Scale(const double scale,
75  const Eigen::Vector3d& center) override;
76  virtual OrientedBoundingBox& Rotate(const Eigen::Matrix3d& R,
77  const Eigen::Vector3d& center) override;
80  double Volume() const;
102  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> GetBoxPoints() const;
105  std::vector<size_t> GetPointIndicesWithinBoundingBox(
106  const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& points) const;
113  const AxisAlignedBoundingBox& aabox);
125  const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& points, bool robust = false);
138  const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& points, bool robust = false);
140 public:
142  Eigen::Vector3d center_;
145  Eigen::Matrix3d R_;
147  Eigen::Vector3d extent_;
149  Eigen::Vector3d color_;
150 };
161 public:
167  min_bound_(0, 0, 0),
168  max_bound_(0, 0, 0),
169  color_(1, 1, 1) {}
174  AxisAlignedBoundingBox(const Eigen::Vector3d& min_bound,
175  const Eigen::Vector3d& max_bound);
178 public:
179  AxisAlignedBoundingBox& Clear() override;
180  bool IsEmpty() const override;
181  virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMinBound() const override;
182  virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMaxBound() const override;
183  virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetCenter() const override;
186  virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() const override;
191  bool robust = false) const override;
196  bool robust = false) const override;
198  const Eigen::Matrix4d& transformation) override;
200  const Eigen::Vector3d& translation, bool relative = true) override;
211  virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox& Scale(
212  const double scale, const Eigen::Vector3d& center) override;
217  const Eigen::Matrix3d& R, const Eigen::Vector3d& center) override;
222  Eigen::Vector3d GetExtent() const { return (max_bound_ - min_bound_); }
225  Eigen::Vector3d GetHalfExtent() const { return GetExtent() * 0.5; }
229  double GetMaxExtent() const { return (max_bound_ - min_bound_).maxCoeff(); }
233  double GetXPercentage(double x) const {
234  return (x - min_bound_(0)) / (max_bound_(0) - min_bound_(0));
235  }
239  double GetYPercentage(double y) const {
240  return (y - min_bound_(1)) / (max_bound_(1) - min_bound_(1));
241  }
245  double GetZPercentage(double z) const {
246  return (z - min_bound_(2)) / (max_bound_(2) - min_bound_(2));
247  }
250  double Volume() const;
252  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> GetBoxPoints() const;
257  std::vector<size_t> GetPointIndicesWithinBoundingBox(
258  const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& points) const;
261  std::string GetPrintInfo() const;
267  const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& points);
269 public:
271  Eigen::Vector3d min_bound_;
273  Eigen::Vector3d max_bound_;
275  Eigen::Vector3d color_;
276 };
278 } // namespace geometry
279 } // namespace open3d
A bounding box that is aligned along the coordinate axes and defined by the min_bound and max_bound.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:160
Eigen::Vector3d GetHalfExtent() const
Returns the half extent of the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:225
double Volume() const
Returns the volume of the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:353
Default constructor.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:165
~AxisAlignedBoundingBox() override
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:176
virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox & Rotate(const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override
an AxisAlignedBoundingBox can not be rotated. This method will throw an error.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:303
virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetCenter() const override
Returns the center of the geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:240
double GetXPercentage(double x) const
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:233
virtual OrientedBoundingBox GetMinimalOrientedBoundingBox(bool robust=false) const override
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:254
virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox & Transform(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation) override
Apply transformation (4x4 matrix) to the geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:275
Eigen::Vector3d min_bound_
The lower x, y, z bounds of the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:271
virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMinBound() const override
Returns min bounds for geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:232
bool IsEmpty() const override
Returns true iff the geometry is empty.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:230
virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() const override
Returns the object itself.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:244
virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox & Translate(const Eigen::Vector3d &translation, bool relative=true) override
Apply translation to the geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:283
AxisAlignedBoundingBox & operator+=(const AxisAlignedBoundingBox &other)
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:317
virtual OrientedBoundingBox GetOrientedBoundingBox(bool robust=false) const override
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:249
Eigen::Vector3d GetExtent() const
Get the extent/length of the bounding box in x, y, and z dimension.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:222
std::string GetPrintInfo() const
Returns the 3D dimensions of the bounding box in string format.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:311
AxisAlignedBoundingBox & Clear() override
Clear all elements in the geometry.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:224
double GetZPercentage(double z) const
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:245
static AxisAlignedBoundingBox CreateFromPoints(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points)
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:329
double GetMaxExtent() const
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:229
double GetYPercentage(double y) const
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:239
std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > GetBoxPoints() const
Returns the eight points that define the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:355
std::vector< size_t > GetPointIndicesWithinBoundingBox(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points) const
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:369
virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox & Scale(const double scale, const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override
Scales the axis-aligned bounding boxes. If is the min_bound and is the max_bound of the axis aligne...
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:296
Eigen::Vector3d color_
The color of the bounding box in RGB.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:275
virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMaxBound() const override
Returns max bounds for geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:236
Eigen::Vector3d max_bound_
The upper x, y, z bounds of the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:273
The base geometry class for 3D geometries.
Definition: Geometry3D.h:28
The base geometry class.
Definition: Geometry.h:18
Specifies possible geometry types.
Definition: Geometry.h:23
A bounding box oriented along an arbitrary frame of reference.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:25
static OrientedBoundingBox CreateFromPointsMinimal(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, bool robust=false)
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:190
Eigen::Vector3d extent_
The extent of the bounding box in its frame of reference.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:147
Default constructor.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:30
OrientedBoundingBox & Clear() override
Clear all elements in the geometry.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:21
Eigen::Vector3d color_
The color of the bounding box in RGB.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:149
Eigen::Matrix3d R_
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:145
virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMaxBound() const override
Returns max bounds for geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:36
~OrientedBoundingBox() override
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:49
virtual OrientedBoundingBox & Transform(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation) override
Apply transformation (4x4 matrix) to the geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:56
virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetCenter() const override
Returns the center of the geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:41
OrientedBoundingBox(const Eigen::Vector3d &center, const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, const Eigen::Vector3d &extent)
Parameterized constructor.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:42
static OrientedBoundingBox CreateFromPoints(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, bool robust=false)
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:134
virtual OrientedBoundingBox & Rotate(const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override
Apply rotation to the geometry coordinates and normals. Given a rotation matrix , and center ,...
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:81
std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > GetBoxPoints() const
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:92
static OrientedBoundingBox CreateFromAxisAlignedBoundingBox(const AxisAlignedBoundingBox &aabox)
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:125
virtual OrientedBoundingBox & Scale(const double scale, const Eigen::Vector3d &center) override
Apply scaling to the geometry coordinates. Given a scaling factor , and center , a given point is tr...
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:74
double Volume() const
Returns the volume of the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:88
std::vector< size_t > GetPointIndicesWithinBoundingBox(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points) const
Return indices to points that are within the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:108
virtual OrientedBoundingBox GetOrientedBoundingBox(bool robust) const override
Returns the object itself.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:47
virtual Eigen::Vector3d GetMinBound() const override
Returns min bounds for geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:31
virtual OrientedBoundingBox GetMinimalOrientedBoundingBox(bool robust) const override
Returns the object itself.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:51
virtual OrientedBoundingBox & Translate(const Eigen::Vector3d &translation, bool relative=true) override
Apply translation to the geometry coordinates.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:64
virtual AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() const override
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:43
bool IsEmpty() const override
Returns true iff the geometry is empty.
Definition: BoundingVolume.cpp:29
Eigen::Vector3d center_
The center point of the bounding box.
Definition: BoundingVolume.h:142
int points
Definition: FilePCD.cpp:54
Definition: NonRigidOptimizer.cpp:22
Definition: PinholeCameraIntrinsic.cpp:16