
class open3d.odometry.OdometryOption

Class that defines Odometry options.

__init__(self: open3d.open3d_pybind.odometry.OdometryOption, iteration_number_per_pyramid_level: open3d.open3d_pybind.utility.IntVector = IntVector[20, 10, 5], max_depth_diff: float = 0.03, min_depth: float = 0.0, max_depth: float = 4.0) → None
property iteration_number_per_pyramid_level

Iteration number per image pyramid level, typically larger image in the pyramid have lower interation number to reduce computation time.



property max_depth

Pixels that has larger than specified depth values are ignored.

property max_depth_diff

Maximum depth difference to be considered as correspondence. In depth image domain, if two aligned pixels have a depth difference less than specified value, they are considered as a correspondence. Larger value induce more aggressive search, but it is prone to unstable result.

property min_depth

Pixels that has smaller than specified depth values are ignored.