
class open3d.visualization.gui.TabControl

Tab control

__init__(self: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.TabControl) → None
add_child(self: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Widget, arg0: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Widget) → None

Adds a child widget

add_tab(self: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.TabControl, arg0: str, arg1: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Widget) → None

Adds a tab. The first parameter is the title of the tab, and the second parameter is a widget–normally this is a layout.

calc_preferred_size(self: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Widget, arg0: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Theme) → open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Size

Returns the preferred size of the widget. This is intended to be called only during layout, although it will also work during drawing. Calling it at other times will not work, as it requires some internal setup in order to function properly

get_children(self: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Widget) → List[open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.Widget]

Returns the array of children. Do not modify.

set_on_selected_tab_changed(self: open3d.cpu.pybind.visualization.gui.TabControl, arg0: Callable[[int], None]) → None

Calls the provided callback function with the index of the currently selected tab whenever the user clicks on a different tab

property enabled

True if widget is enabled, False if disabled

property frame

The widget’s frame. Setting this value will be overridden if the frame is within a layout.

property visible

True if widget is visible, False otherwise