| VoxelGrid () |
| Default Constructor. More...
| VoxelGrid (const VoxelGrid &src_voxel_grid) |
| Copy Constructor. More...
| ~VoxelGrid () override |
VoxelGrid & | Clear () override |
| Clear all elements in the geometry. More...
bool | IsEmpty () const override |
| Returns true iff the geometry is empty. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | GetMinBound () const override |
| Returns min bounds for geometry coordinates. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | GetMaxBound () const override |
| Returns max bounds for geometry coordinates. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | GetCenter () const override |
| Returns the center of the geometry coordinates. More...
AxisAlignedBoundingBox | GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox () const override |
| Returns an axis-aligned bounding box of the geometry. More...
OrientedBoundingBox | GetOrientedBoundingBox () const override |
| Returns an oriented bounding box of the geometry. More...
VoxelGrid & | Transform (const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation) override |
| Apply transformation (4x4 matrix) to the geometry coordinates. More...
VoxelGrid & | Translate (const Eigen::Vector3d &translation, bool relative=true) override |
| Apply translation to the geometry coordinates. More...
VoxelGrid & | Scale (const double scale, const Eigen::Vector3d ¢er) override |
| Apply scaling to the geometry coordinates. Given a scaling factor , and center , a given point is transformed according to . More...
VoxelGrid & | Rotate (const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, const Eigen::Vector3d ¢er) override |
| Apply rotation to the geometry coordinates and normals. Given a rotation matrix , and center , a given point is transformed according to . More...
VoxelGrid & | operator+= (const VoxelGrid &voxelgrid) |
VoxelGrid | operator+ (const VoxelGrid &voxelgrid) const |
bool | HasVoxels () const |
| Returns true if the voxel grid contains voxels. More...
bool | HasColors () const |
| Returns true if the voxel grid contains voxel colors. More...
Eigen::Vector3i | GetVoxel (const Eigen::Vector3d &point) const |
| Returns voxel index given query point. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | GetVoxelCenterCoordinate (const Eigen::Vector3i &idx) const |
| Function that returns the 3d coordinates of the queried voxel center. More...
void | AddVoxel (const Voxel &voxel) |
| Add a voxel with specified grid index and color. More...
std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > | GetVoxelBoundingPoints (const Eigen::Vector3i &index) const |
| Return a vector of 3D coordinates that define the indexed voxel cube. More...
std::vector< bool > | CheckIfIncluded (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &queries) |
VoxelGrid & | CarveDepthMap (const Image &depth_map, const camera::PinholeCameraParameters &camera_parameter, bool keep_voxels_outside_image) |
VoxelGrid & | CarveSilhouette (const Image &silhouette_mask, const camera::PinholeCameraParameters &camera_parameter, bool keep_voxels_outside_image) |
void | CreateFromOctree (const Octree &octree) |
std::shared_ptr< geometry::Octree > | ToOctree (const size_t &max_depth) const |
std::vector< Voxel > | GetVoxels () const |
| ~Geometry3D () override |
virtual | ~Geometry () |
GeometryType | GetGeometryType () const |
| Returns one of registered geometry types. More...
int | Dimension () const |
| Returns whether the geometry is 2D or 3D. More...
std::string | GetName () const |
void | SetName (const std::string &name) |
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > | CreateDense (const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, double voxel_size, double width, double height, double depth) |
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > | CreateFromPointCloud (const PointCloud &input, double voxel_size) |
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > | CreateFromPointCloudWithinBounds (const PointCloud &input, double voxel_size, const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bound, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bound) |
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > | CreateFromTriangleMesh (const TriangleMesh &input, double voxel_size) |
static std::shared_ptr< VoxelGrid > | CreateFromTriangleMeshWithinBounds (const TriangleMesh &input, double voxel_size, const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bound, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bound) |
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromXYZ (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from XYZ RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromYZX (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from YZX RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromZXY (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from ZXY RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromXZY (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from XZY RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromZYX (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from ZYX RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromYXZ (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from YXZ RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromAxisAngle (const Eigen::Vector3d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from AxisAngle RotationType. More...
static Eigen::Matrix3d | GetRotationMatrixFromQuaternion (const Eigen::Vector4d &rotation) |
| Get Rotation Matrix from Quaternion. More...
enum | GeometryType {
GeometryType::Unspecified = 0,
GeometryType::PointCloud = 1,
GeometryType::VoxelGrid = 2,
GeometryType::Octree = 3,
GeometryType::LineSet = 4,
GeometryType::MeshBase = 5,
GeometryType::TriangleMesh = 6,
GeometryType::HalfEdgeTriangleMesh = 7,
GeometryType::Image = 8,
GeometryType::RGBDImage = 9,
GeometryType::TetraMesh = 10,
GeometryType::OrientedBoundingBox = 11,
GeometryType::AxisAlignedBoundingBox = 12
} |
| Specifies possible geometry types. More...
| Geometry3D (GeometryType type) |
| Parameterized Constructor. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | ComputeMinBound (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points) const |
| Compute min bound of a list points. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | ComputeMaxBound (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points) const |
| Compute max bound of a list points. More...
Eigen::Vector3d | ComputeCenter (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points) const |
| Computer center of a list of points. More...
void | ResizeAndPaintUniformColor (std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &colors, const size_t size, const Eigen::Vector3d &color) const |
| Resizes the colors vector and paints a uniform color. More...
void | TransformPoints (const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points) const |
| Transforms all points with the transformation matrix. More...
void | TransformNormals (const Eigen::Matrix4d &transformation, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &normals) const |
| Transforms the normals with the transformation matrix. More...
void | TranslatePoints (const Eigen::Vector3d &translation, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, bool relative) const |
| Apply translation to the geometry coordinates. More...
void | ScalePoints (const double scale, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, const Eigen::Vector3d ¢er) const |
| Scale the coordinates of all points by the scaling factor scale . More...
void | RotatePoints (const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &points, const Eigen::Vector3d ¢er) const |
| Rotate all points with the rotation matrix R . More...
void | RotateNormals (const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &normals) const |
| Rotate all normals with the rotation matrix R . More...
| Geometry (GeometryType type, int dimension) |
| Parameterized Constructor. More...
VoxelGrid is a collection of voxels which are aligned in grid.