
open3d.geometry.sample_points_poisson_disk(input, number_of_points, init_factor=5, pcl=None)

Function to sample points from the mesh, where each point has approximately the same distance to the neighbouring points (blue noise). Method is based on Yuksel, “Sample Elimination for Generating Poisson Disk Sample Sets”, EUROGRAPHICS, 2015.

  • input (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The input triangle mesh.

  • number_of_points (int) – Number of points that should be sampled.

  • init_factor (float, optional, default=5) – Factor for the initial uniformly sampled PointCloud. This init PointCloud is used for sample elimination.

  • pcl (open3d.geometry.PointCloud, optional, default=None) – Initial PointCloud that is used for sample elimination. If this parameter is provided the init_factor is ignored.

