- class, size, yaw, label_class, confidence, world_cam=None, cam_img=None, **kwargs)#
Class that defines a special bounding box for object detection, with only one rotation axis (yaw).
- up z x front (yaw=0.5*pi)
^ ^ | / | /
(yaw=pi) left y <—— 0
The relative coordinate of bottom center in a BEV box is (0.5, 0.5, 0), and the yaw is around the z axis, thus the rotation axis=2. The yaw is 0 at the negative direction of y axis, and increases from the negative direction of y to the positive direction of x.
- __init__(center, size, yaw, label_class, confidence, world_cam=None, cam_img=None, **kwargs)#
Creates a bounding box.
- Parameters:
center – (x, y, z) that defines the center of the box
size – (width, height, depth) that defines the size of the box, as measured from edge to edge
yaw – yaw angle of box
label_class – integer specifying the classification label. If an LUT is specified in create_lines() this will be used to determine the color of the box.
confidence – confidence level of the box
world_cam – world to camera transformation
cam_img – camera to image transformation
- generate_corners3d()#
Generate corners3d representation for this object.
- Returns:
(8, 3) corners of box3d in camera coordinates.
- Return type:
- get_difficulty()#
General method to compute difficulty, can be overloaded.
- Returns:
Difficulty depending on projected height of box.
- to_camera()#
Transforms box into camera space.
- up x y front
^ ^ | / | /
left z <—— 0
Returns box in the common 7-sized vector representation. (x, y, z, l, h, w, a), where (x, y, z) is the bottom center of the box, (l, h, w) is the length, height, width of the box a is the yaw angle
- Returns:
- Return type:
transformed box
- to_dict()#
Convert data for evaluation:
- static to_dicts(bboxes)#
Convert data for evaluation:
- Parameters:
bboxes – List of BEVBox3D bboxes.
- to_img()#
Transforms box into 2d box.
- Returns:
- Return type:
transformed box
- to_kitti_format(score=1.0)#
This method transforms the class to KITTI format.
- to_xyzwhlr()#
Returns box in the common 7-sized vector representation: (x, y, z, w, l, h, a), where (x, y, z) is the bottom center of the box, (w, l, h) is the width, length and height of the box a is the yaw angle.
- Returns: