Functional API with operators.
These are the building blocks for the layers. See The layer API for an easy to use high level interface.
Creates a spatial hash table meant as input for fixed_radius_search |
Continuous convolution of two pointclouds. |
Computes the backprop for the filter of the ContinuousConv |
Continuous tranpose convolution of two pointclouds. |
Computes the backrop for the filter of the ContinuousConvTranspose |
Computes the indices of all neighbors within a radius. |
Inverts a neighbors list made of neighbors_index and neighbors_row_splits. |
Computes the indices of k nearest neighbors. |
Performs non-maximum suppression of bounding boxes. |
Computes the indices and distances of all neighbours within a radius. |
Computes the sum for each subarray in a flat vector of arrays. |
Spatial pooling for point clouds by combining points that fall into the same voxel bin. |
Gradient for features in VoxelPooling. |
Voxelization for point clouds. |