-, indices, weights, resolution, name=None)#
Gradient function for Trilinear Devoxelize op.
This function takes feature gradients and indices, weights returned from the op and computes gradient for voxelgrid.
- Parameters:
grad_y – A Tensor of type float32. Gradients for the interpolated features. Shape is [B, C, N].
indices – A Tensor of type int32. Indices which are used to interpolate features. Shape is [B, 8, N].
weights – A Tensor of type float32. Weights for each index used to interpolate features. Shape is [B, 8, N].
resolution – An int. Integer attribute defining resolution of the grid.
name – A name for the operation (optional).
- Returns:
A Tensor of type float32. Output gradients for the voxel grid. Shape is [B, C, R, R, R]