Open3D (C++ API)
Namespaces | Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
open3d::visualization Namespace Reference



Data Structures

class  Camera
class  CameraInteractorLogic
class  ColorMap
class  ColorMapGray
class  ColorMapHot
class  ColorMapJet
 See Matlab's Jet colormap. More...
class  ColorMapSummer
 See Matlab's Summer colormap. More...
class  ColorMapWinter
 See Matlab's Winter colormap. More...
class  EngineInstance
class  FilamentCamera
class  FilamentMaterialModifier
class  FilamentRenderer
class  FilamentRenderToBuffer
class  FilamentResourceManager
class  FilamentScene
class  FilamentView
class  GeometryBuffersBuilder
class  GuiVisualizer
class  IBLRotationInteractorLogic
struct  LightDescription
class  LightDirectionInteractorLogic
struct  LightingProfile
class  LineSetBuffersBuilder
class  MaterialModifier
class  MatrixInteractorLogic
class  ModelInteractorLogic
class  PointCloudBuffersBuilder
class  PointCloudPicker
 A utility class to store picked points of a pointcloud. More...
struct  REHandle
struct  REHandle_abstract
class  Renderer
class  RenderOption
 Defines rendering options for visualizer. More...
class  RenderOptionWithEditing
class  RenderToBuffer
class  ResourceLoadRequest
class  RotationInteractorLogic
class  Scene
class  SelectionPolygon
class  SelectionPolygonVolume
 Select a polygon volume for cropping. More...
struct  TextureSamplerParameters
class  TriangleMeshBuffersBuilder
class  View
class  ViewControl
 View controller for visualizer. More...
class  ViewControlWithCustomAnimation
class  ViewControlWithEditing
class  ViewParameters
class  ViewTrajectory
class  Visualizer
 The main Visualizer class. More...
class  VisualizerWithCustomAnimation
class  VisualizerWithEditing
 Visualizer with editing capabilities. More...
class  VisualizerWithKeyCallback
 Visualizer with custom key callack capabilities. More...
class  VisualizerWithVertexSelection


using PBDParams = std::tuple< FilamentRenderToBuffer *, FilamentRenderToBuffer::BufferReadyCallback >
typedef REHandle< EntityType::ViewViewHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::SceneSceneHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::GeometryGeometryHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::LightLightHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::IndirectLightIndirectLightHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::SkyboxSkyboxHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::CameraCameraHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::MaterialMaterialHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::MaterialInstanceMaterialInstanceHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::TextureTextureHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::VertexBufferVertexBufferHandle
typedef REHandle< EntityType::IndexBufferIndexBufferHandle


enum  EntityType : std::uint16_t {
  EntityType::None = 0, EntityType::View, EntityType::Scene, EntityType::Geometry,
  EntityType::Light, EntityType::IndirectLight, EntityType::Skybox, EntityType::Camera,
  EntityType::Material, EntityType::MaterialInstance, EntityType::Texture, EntityType::VertexBuffer,
  EntityType::IndexBuffer, EntityType::Count
enum  MenuId {


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const REHandle_abstract &uid)
const std::shared_ptr< const ColorMapGetGlobalColorMap ()
 Interface functions. More...
void SetGlobalColorMap (ColorMap::ColorMapOption option)
bool DrawGeometries (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &geometry_ptrs, const std::string &window_name="Open3D", int width=640, int height=480, int left=50, int top=50, bool point_show_normal=false, bool mesh_show_wireframe=false, bool mesh_show_back_face=false)
 Function to draw a list of geometry objects. More...
bool DrawGeometriesWithCustomAnimation (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &geometry_ptrs, const std::string &window_name="Open3D", int width=640, int height=480, int left=50, int top=50, const std::string &json_filename="")
 Function to draw a list of geometry objects with a GUI that supports animation. More...
bool DrawGeometriesWithAnimationCallback (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &geometry_ptrs, std::function< bool(Visualizer *)> callback_func, const std::string &window_name="Open3D", int width=640, int height=480, int left=50, int top=50)
 Function to draw a list of geometry objects with a customized animation callback function. More...
bool DrawGeometriesWithKeyCallbacks (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &geometry_ptrs, const std::map< int, std::function< bool(Visualizer *)>> &key_to_callback, const std::string &window_name="Open3D", int width=640, int height=480, int left=50, int top=50)
 Function to draw a list of geometry. More...
bool DrawGeometriesWithEditing (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &geometry_ptrs, const std::string &window_name="Open3D", int width=640, int height=480, int left=50, int top=50)
 Function to draw a list of geometry. More...
bool DrawGeometriesWithVertexSelection (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &geometry_ptrs, const std::string &window_name, int width, int height, int left, int top)

Typedef Documentation

◆ CameraHandle

◆ GeometryHandle

◆ IndexBufferHandle

◆ IndirectLightHandle

◆ LightHandle

◆ MaterialHandle

◆ MaterialInstanceHandle

◆ PBDParams

◆ SceneHandle

◆ SkyboxHandle

◆ TextureHandle

◆ VertexBufferHandle

◆ ViewHandle

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EntityType

enum open3d::visualization::EntityType : std::uint16_t

◆ MenuId


Function Documentation

◆ DrawGeometries()

bool open3d::visualization::DrawGeometries ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &  geometry_ptrs,
const std::string &  window_name = "Open3D",
int  width = 640,
int  height = 480,
int  left = 50,
int  top = 50,
bool  point_show_normal = false,
bool  mesh_show_wireframe = false,
bool  mesh_show_back_face = false 

Function to draw a list of geometry objects.

The convenient function of drawing something This function is a wrapper that calls the core functions of Visualizer. This function MUST be called from the main thread. It blocks the main thread until the window is closed.

geometry_ptrsList of geometries to be visualized.
window_nameThe displayed title of the visualization window.
widthThe width of the visualization window.
heightThe height of the visualization window.
leftmargin of the visualization window.
topThe top margin of the visualization window.
point_show_normalvisualize point normals if set to true.
mesh_show_wireframevisualize mesh wireframe if set to true.
mesh_show_back_facevisualize also the back face of the mesh triangles.

◆ DrawGeometriesWithAnimationCallback()

bool open3d::visualization::DrawGeometriesWithAnimationCallback ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &  geometry_ptrs,
std::function< bool(Visualizer *)>  callback_func,
const std::string &  window_name = "Open3D",
int  width = 640,
int  height = 480,
int  left = 50,
int  top = 50 

Function to draw a list of geometry objects with a customized animation callback function.

geometry_ptrsList of geometries to be visualized.
callback_funcCall back function to be triggered at a key press event.
window_nameThe displayed title of the visualization window.
widthThe width of the visualization window.
heightThe height of the visualization window.
leftmargin of the visualization window.
topThe top margin of the visualization window.

◆ DrawGeometriesWithCustomAnimation()

bool open3d::visualization::DrawGeometriesWithCustomAnimation ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &  geometry_ptrs,
const std::string &  window_name = "Open3D",
int  width = 640,
int  height = 480,
int  left = 50,
int  top = 50,
const std::string &  json_filename = "" 

Function to draw a list of geometry objects with a GUI that supports animation.

geometry_ptrsList of geometries to be visualized.
window_nameThe displayed title of the visualization window.
widthThe width of the visualization window.
heightThe height of the visualization window.
leftmargin of the visualization window.
topThe top margin of the visualization window.
json_filenameCamera trajectory json file path for custom animation.

◆ DrawGeometriesWithEditing()

bool open3d::visualization::DrawGeometriesWithEditing ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &  geometry_ptrs,
const std::string &  window_name = "Open3D",
int  width = 640,
int  height = 480,
int  left = 50,
int  top = 50 

Function to draw a list of geometry.

Geometry providing user interaction.

geometry_ptrsList of geometries to be visualized.
window_nameThe displayed title of the visualization window.
widthThe width of the visualization window.
heightThe height of the visualization window.
leftmargin of the visualization window.
topThe top margin of the visualization window.

◆ DrawGeometriesWithKeyCallbacks()

bool open3d::visualization::DrawGeometriesWithKeyCallbacks ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &  geometry_ptrs,
const std::map< int, std::function< bool(Visualizer *)>> &  key_to_callback,
const std::string &  window_name = "Open3D",
int  width = 640,
int  height = 480,
int  left = 50,
int  top = 50 

Function to draw a list of geometry.

Geometry objects with a customized key-callback mapping

geometry_ptrsList of geometries to be visualized.
key_to_callbackMap of key to call back functions.
window_nameThe displayed title of the visualization window.
widthThe width of the visualization window.
heightThe height of the visualization window.
leftmargin of the visualization window.
topThe top margin of the visualization window.

◆ DrawGeometriesWithVertexSelection()

bool open3d::visualization::DrawGeometriesWithVertexSelection ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const geometry::Geometry >> &  geometry_ptrs,
const std::string &  window_name,
int  width,
int  height,
int  left,
int  top 

◆ GetGlobalColorMap()

const std::shared_ptr< const ColorMap > open3d::visualization::GetGlobalColorMap ( )

Interface functions.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & open3d::visualization::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const REHandle_abstract uid 

◆ SetGlobalColorMap()

void open3d::visualization::SetGlobalColorMap ( ColorMap::ColorMapOption  option)