
open3d.visualization.draw(geometry=None, title='Open3D', width=1024, height=768, actions=None, lookat=None, eye=None, up=None, field_of_view=60.0, intrinsic_matrix=None, extrinsic_matrix=None, bg_color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), bg_image=None, ibl=None, ibl_intensity=None, show_skybox=None, show_ui=None, raw_mode=False, point_size=None, line_width=None, animation_time_step=1.0, animation_duration=None, rpc_interface=False, on_init=None, on_animation_frame=None, on_animation_tick=None, non_blocking_and_return_uid=False)#

Draw 3D geometry types and 3D models. This is a high level interface to open3d.visualization.O3DVisualizer.

The initial view may be specified either as a combination of (lookat, eye, up, and field of view) or (intrinsic matrix, extrinsic matrix) pair. A simple pinhole camera model is used.

  • geometry (List[Geometry] or List[Dict]) –

    The 3D data to be displayed can be provided in different types: - A list of any Open3D geometry types (PointCloud, TriangleMesh, LineSet or TriangleMeshModel). - A list of dictionaries with geometry data and additional metadata. The following keys are used:

    • name (str): Geometry name.

    • geometry (Geometry): Open3D geometry to be drawn.

    • material (open3d.visualization.rendering.MaterialRecord): PBR material for the geometry.

    • group (str): Assign the geometry to a group. Groups are shown in the settings panel and users can take take joint actions on a group as a whole.

    • time (float): If geometry elements are assigned times, a time bar is displayed and the elements can be animated.

    • is_visible (bool): Show this geometry?

  • title (str) – Window title.

  • width (int) – Viewport width.

  • height (int) – Viewport height.

  • actions (List[(str, Callable)]) – A list of pairs of action names and the corresponding functions to execute. These actions are presented as buttons in the settings panel. Each callable receives the window (O3DVisualizer) as an argument.

  • lookat (array of shape (3,)) – Camera principal axis direction.

  • eye (array of shape (3,)) – Camera location.

  • up (array of shape (3,)) – Camera up direction.

  • field_of_view (float) – Camera horizontal field of view (degrees).

  • intrinsic_matrix (array of shape (3,3)) – Camera intrinsic matrix.

  • extrinsic_matrix (array of shape (4,4)) – Camera extrinsic matrix (world to camera transformation).

  • bg_color (array of shape (4,)) – Background color float with range [0,1], default white.

  • bg_image (open3d.geometry.Image) – Background image.

  • ibl (open3d.geometry.Image) – Environment map for image based lighting (IBL).

  • ibl_intensity (float) – IBL intensity.

  • show_skybox (bool) – Show skybox as scene background (default False).

  • show_ui (bool) – Show settings user interface (default False). This can be toggled from the Actions menu.

  • raw_mode (bool) – Use raw mode for simpler rendering of the basic geometry (Default false).

  • point_size (int) – 3D point size (default 3).

  • line_width (int) – 3D line width (default 1).

  • animation_time_step (float) – Duration in seconds for each animation frame.

  • animation_duration (float) – Total animation duration in seconds.

  • rpc_interface (bool or str) – Start an RPC interface at this local address and listen for drawing requests. If rpc_interface is True, the default address “tcp://localhost:51454” is used. The requests can be made with open3d.visualization.ExternalVisualizer.

  • on_init (Callable) – Extra initialization procedure for the underlying GUI window. The procedure receives a single argument of type open3d.visualization.O3DVisualizer.

  • on_animation_frame (Callable) –

    Callback for each animation frame update with signature:

    Callback(O3DVisualizer o3dvis, double time) -> None

  • on_animation_tick (Callable) –

    Callback for each animation time step with signature:

    Callback(O3DVisualizer o3dvis, double tick_duration, double time) -> TickResult

    If the callback returns TickResult.REDRAW, the scene is redrawn. It should return TickResult.NOCHANGE if redraw is not required.

  • non_blocking_and_return_uid (bool) – Do not block waiting for the user to close the window. Instead return the window ID. This is useful for embedding the visualizer and is used in the WebRTC interface and Tensorboard plugin.


See examples/visualization/ for examples of advanced usage. The actions() example from that file is shown below:

import open3d as o3d
import open3d.visualization as vis

SOURCE_NAME = "Source"
RESULT_NAME = "Result (Poisson reconstruction)"
TRUTH_NAME = "Ground truth"

bunny =
bunny_mesh =

bunny_mesh.paint_uniform_color((1, 0.75, 0))
cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
cloud.points = bunny_mesh.vertices
cloud.normals = bunny_mesh.vertex_normals

def make_mesh(o3dvis):
    mesh, _ = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(
    mesh.paint_uniform_color((1, 1, 1))
    o3dvis.add_geometry({"name": RESULT_NAME, "geometry": mesh})
    o3dvis.show_geometry(SOURCE_NAME, False)

def toggle_result(o3dvis):
    truth_vis = o3dvis.get_geometry(TRUTH_NAME).is_visible
    o3dvis.show_geometry(TRUTH_NAME, not truth_vis)
    o3dvis.show_geometry(RESULT_NAME, truth_vis)

    "name": SOURCE_NAME,
    "geometry": cloud
}, {
    "name": TRUTH_NAME,
    "geometry": bunny_mesh,
    "is_visible": False
     actions=[("Create Mesh", make_mesh),
              ("Toggle truth/result", toggle_result)])