
class open3d.visualization.gui.Slider#

A slider widget for visually selecting numbers

class Constraints#

Constraints object for Widget.calc_preferred_size()

__init__(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Widget.Constraints) None#
property height#
property width#
class EventCallbackResult#

Returned by event handlers


IGNORED : Event handler ignored the event, widget will handle event normally

HANDLED : Event handler handled the event, but widget will still handle the event normally. This is useful when you are augmenting base functionality

CONSUMED : Event handler consumed the event, event handling stops, widget will not handle the event. This is useful when you are replacing functionality

CONSUMED = <EventCallbackResult.CONSUMED: 2>#
HANDLED = <EventCallbackResult.HANDLED: 1>#
IGNORED = <EventCallbackResult.IGNORED: 0>#
property name#
property value#
class Type#

Enum class for Slider types.

DOUBLE = <Type.DOUBLE: 1>#
INT = <Type.INT: 0>#
property name#
property value#
__init__(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Slider, arg0: open3d.visualization.gui.Slider.Type) None#

Creates a NumberEdit that is either integers (INT) or floating point (DOUBLE). The initial value is 0 and the limits are +/- infinity.

add_child(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Widget, arg0: open3d.visualization.gui.Widget) None#

Adds a child widget

calc_preferred_size(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Widget, arg0: open3d.visualization.gui.LayoutContext, arg1: open3d.visualization.gui.Widget.Constraints) open3d.visualization.gui.Size#

Returns the preferred size of the widget. This is intended to be called only during layout, although it will also work during drawing. Calling it at other times will not work, as it requires some internal setup in order to function properly

get_children(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Widget) list[open3d.visualization.gui.Widget]#

Returns the array of children. Do not modify.

set_limits(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Slider, arg0: float, arg1: float) None#

Sets the minimum and maximum values for the slider

set_on_value_changed(self: open3d.visualization.gui.Slider, arg0: Callable[[float], None]) None#

Sets f(new_value) which is called with a Float when user changes widget’s value

CONSUMED = <EventCallbackResult.CONSUMED: 2>#
DOUBLE = <Type.DOUBLE: 1>#
HANDLED = <EventCallbackResult.HANDLED: 1>#
IGNORED = <EventCallbackResult.IGNORED: 0>#
INT = <Type.INT: 0>#
property background_color#

Background color of the widget

property double_value#

Slider value (double)

property enabled#

True if widget is enabled, False if disabled

property frame#

The widget’s frame. Setting this value will be overridden if the frame is within a layout.

property get_maximum_value#

The maximum value number can contain (read-only, use set_limits() to set)

property get_minimum_value#

The minimum value number can contain (read-only, use set_limits() to set)

property int_value#

Slider value (int)

property tooltip#

Widget’s tooltip that is displayed on mouseover

property visible#

True if widget is visible, False otherwise