Data class for ArmadilloMesh contains the ArmadilloMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository. |
Data class for AvocadoModel contains a avocado model file, along with material and PNG format embedded textures. |
Data class for BedroomRGBDImages contains a sample set of 21931 color and depth images from Redwood Bedroom RGBD dataset. |
Data class for BunnyMesh contains the BunnyMesh.ply from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository. |
Data class for CrateModel contains a crate model file, along with material and various other texture files. |
Data class for DamagedHelmetModel contains a damaged helmet model file, along with material and JPG format embedded textures. |
DataDescriptor is a class that describes a data file. |
The base dataset class. |
Data class for DemoColoredICPPointClouds contains 2 point clouds of ply format. |
Data class for DemoCropPointCloud contains a point cloud, and cropped.json (a saved selected polygon volume file). |
Data class for DemoCustomVisualization contains an example point-cloud, camera trajectory (json file), rendering options (json file). |
Data class for DemoDopplerICPSequence contains an example sequence of 100 point clouds with Doppler velocity channel and corresponding ground truth poses. |
Data class for DemoFeatureMatchingPointClouds contains 2 pointcloud fragments and their respective FPFH features and L32D features. |
Data class for DemoICPPointClouds contains 3 point clouds of binary PCD format. |
Data class for DemoPoseGraphOptimization contains an example fragment pose graph, and global pose graph. |
Single file download dataset class. |
Data class for EaglePointCloud contains the EaglePointCloud.ply file. |
Data class for FlightHelmetModel contains a flight helmet GLTF model file, along with material and various other texture files. |
Data class for SampleL515Bag contains the JackJackL515Bag.bag file. |
Data class for JuneauImage contains the JuneauImage.jpg file. |
Data class for KnotMesh contains the KnotMesh.ply. |
Dataset class for LivingRoomPointClouds contains 57 point clouds of binary PLY format. |
Data class for LoungeRGBDImages contains a sample set of 3000 color and depth images from Stanford Lounge RGBD dataset. |
Data class for MetalTexture contains albedo, normal, roughness and metallic texture files for metal based material. |
Data class for MonkeyModel contains a monkey model file, along with material and various other texture files. |
Dataset class for OfficePointClouds contains 53 point clouds of binary PLY format. |
Data class for PCDPointCloud contains the fragment.pcd point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset. |
Data class for PLYPointCloud contains the fragment.pcd point cloud mesh from the Redwood Living Room dataset. |
Data class for PaintedPlasterTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for painted plaster based material. |
Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom1, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. ::. |
Data class for RedwoodIndoorLivingRoom2, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. ::. |
Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice1, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. ::. |
Data class for RedwoodIndoorOffice2, containing dense point cloud, rgb sequence, clean depth sequence, noisy depth sequence, oni sequence, and ground-truth camera trajectory. ::. |
Data class for SampleFountainRGBDImages contains a sample set of 33 color and depth images from the Fountain RGBD dataset. |
Data class for SampleL515Bag contains the SampleL515Bag.bag file. |
Data class for SampleNYURGBDImage contains a color image NYU_color.ppm and a depth image NYU_depth.pgm sample from NYU RGBD dataset. |
Data class for SampleRedwoodRGBDImages contains a sample set of 5 color and depth images from Redwood RGBD dataset living-room1. |
Data class for SampleSUNRGBDImage contains a color image SUN_color.jpg and a depth image SUN_depth.png sample from SUN RGBD dataset. |
Data class for SampleTUMRGBDImage contains a color image TUM_color.png and a depth image TUM_depth.png sample from TUM RGBD dataset. |
Data class for SwordModel contains a monkey model file, along with material and various other texture files. |
Data class for TerrazzoTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for terrazzo based material. |
Data class for TilesTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for tiles based material. |
Data class for WoodFloorTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wooden floor based material. |
Data class for WoodTexture contains albedo, normal and roughness texture files for wood based material. |