Customized Integration#

You can prototype a new RGB-D volumetric reconstruction algorithm with additional properties (e.g. semantic labels) while maintaining a reasonable performance. An example can be found at examples/python/t_reconstruction_system/


The frustum block selection remains the same, but then we manually activate these blocks and obtain their buffer indices in the Hash map:

60# examples/python/t_reconstruction_system/
61        # Get active frustum block coordinates from input
62        frustum_block_coords = vbg.compute_unique_block_coordinates(
63            depth, intrinsic, extrinsic, config.depth_scale, config.depth_max)
64        # Activate them in the underlying hash map (may have been inserted)
65        vbg.hashmap().activate(frustum_block_coords)
67        # Find buf indices in the underlying engine
68        buf_indices, masks = vbg.hashmap().find(frustum_block_coords)

Voxel Indices#

We can then unroll voxel indices in these blocks into a flattened array, along with their corresponding voxel coordinates.

72# examples/python/t_reconstruction_system/
73        voxel_coords, voxel_indices = vbg.voxel_coordinates_and_flattened_indices(
74            buf_indices)

Up to now we have finished preparation. Then we can perform customized geometry transformation in the Tensor interface, with the same fashion as we conduct in numpy or pytorch.

Geometry transformation#

We first transform the voxel coordinates to the frame’s coordinate system, project them to the image space, and filter out-of-bound correspondences:

80# examples/python/t_reconstruction_system/
81        extrinsic_dev =, o3c.float32)
82        xyz = extrinsic_dev[:3, :3] @ voxel_coords.T() + extrinsic_dev[:3, 3:]
84        intrinsic_dev =, o3c.float32)
85        uvd = intrinsic_dev @ xyz
86        d = uvd[2]
87        u = (uvd[0] / d).round().to(o3c.int64)
88        v = (uvd[1] / d).round().to(o3c.int64)
89        o3d.core.cuda.synchronize()
90        end = time.time()
92        start = time.time()
93        mask_proj = (d > 0) & (u >= 0) & (v >= 0) & (u < depth.columns) & (
94            v < depth.rows)
96        v_proj = v[mask_proj]
97        u_proj = u[mask_proj]
98        d_proj = d[mask_proj]

Customized integration#

With the data association, we are able to conduct integration. In this example, we show the conventional TSDF integration written in vectorized Python code:

  • Read the associated RGB-D properties from the color/depth images at the associated u, v indices;

  • Read the voxels from the voxel buffer arrays (vbg.attribute) at masked voxel_indices;

  • Perform in-place modification

 98# examples/python/t_reconstruction_system/
 99        depth_readings = depth.as_tensor()[v_proj, u_proj, 0].to(
100            o3c.float32) / config.depth_scale
101        sdf = depth_readings - d_proj
103        mask_inlier = (depth_readings > 0) \
104            & (depth_readings < config.depth_max) \
105            & (sdf >= -trunc)
107        sdf[sdf >= trunc] = trunc
108        sdf = sdf / trunc
109        weight = vbg.attribute('weight').reshape((-1, 1))
110        tsdf = vbg.attribute('tsdf').reshape((-1, 1))
112        valid_voxel_indices = voxel_indices[mask_proj][mask_inlier]
113        w = weight[valid_voxel_indices]
114        wp = w + 1
116        tsdf[valid_voxel_indices] \
117            = (tsdf[valid_voxel_indices] * w +
118               sdf[mask_inlier].reshape(w.shape)) / (wp)
119        if config.integrate_color:
120            color =[i]).to(device)
121            color_readings = color.as_tensor()[v_proj, u_proj].to(o3c.float32)
123            color = vbg.attribute('color').reshape((-1, 3))
124            color[valid_voxel_indices] \
125                = (color[valid_voxel_indices] * w +
126                         color_readings[mask_inlier]) / (wp)
128        weight[valid_voxel_indices] = wp

You may follow the example and adapt it to your customized properties. Open3D supports conversion from and to PyTorch tensors without memory any copy, see PyTorch I/O with DLPack memory map. This can be use to leverage PyTorch’s capabilities such as automatic differentiation and other operators.