The loss |
Base class that checks if two (small) point clouds can be aligned. |
Class to check if aligned point clouds are close (less than specified threshold). |
Check if two point clouds build the polygons with similar edge lengths. |
Class to check if two aligned point clouds have similar normals. |
Options for FastGlobalRegistration. |
Class to store featrues for registration. |
The loss |
Convergence criteria of GlobalOptimization. |
Global optimization with Gauss-Newton algorithm. |
Global optimization with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. |
Base class for global optimization method. |
Option for GlobalOptimization. |
The loss |
Class that defines the convergence criteria of ICP. |
The loss |
The loss |
Data structure defining the pose graph. |
Edge of |
Vector of PoseGraphEdge |
Node of |
Vector of PoseGraphNode |
Class that defines the convergence criteria of RANSAC. |
Class that contains the registration results. |
Base class that models a robust kernel for outlier rejection. |
Base class that estimates a transformation between two point clouds. |
Class to estimate a transformation between two point clouds using color information |
Class to estimate a transformation for Generalized ICP. |
Class to estimate a transformation for point to plane distance. |
Class to estimate a transformation for point to point distance. |
The loss |
Function to compute FPFH feature for a point cloud |
Function to find nearest neighbor correspondences from features |
Function for evaluating registration between point clouds |
Function for computing information matrix from transformation matrix |
Function to optimize PoseGraph |
Function for Colored ICP registration |
Function for fast global registration based on a set of correspondences |
Function for fast global registration based on feature matching |
Function for Generalized ICP registration |
Function for ICP registration |
Function for global RANSAC registration based on a set of correspondences |
Function for global RANSAC registration based on feature matching |